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MARKET DEVELOPMENT IN KIRKLEES. Personalisation - work to date  Shared Information - worked with current providers on informing them of the changes –

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2 Personalisation - work to date  Shared Information - worked with current providers on informing them of the changes – via provider forums and newsletter/website  Discussed ideas for shift to more personalised services  Reviewed commissioning strategy - incorporates priorities for market development  Reviewed contracting approaches – move to more outcome focused models, with gradual transitions from block funding arrangements to funding from personal budget holders  Developing a “Market Position Statement”

3 Market Position Statement Purpose  Provide “the market” with information that is useful – incl likely demand, now & in the future  Outline the Council's approach to providing services (eg what we will retain “in-house” and what will be out sourced)  Summarise the commissioning priorities for social care – to guide providers to those areas where work/services are most needed  Describe the support available for businesses / organisations (incl vol sector) to develop

4 Expanding Choices  2 year contract with the Campaign Company  Supports the development of micro businesses, social enterprises, user-led organisations and timebanking  Will work with individuals and organisations in Kirklees  Aim is to deliver a wider range of social care choices for people  Network being established of interested orgs

5 Changing the Way We Commission  Retaining some block contracts – especially for domiciliary care – to support the market and to ensure supply  But – are changing the way we block contract to ensure a better choice for PB users and self funders (smaller blocks, maximum no of hours per provider, more providers in each area, etc)  “E market place” – being developed regionally across Yorkshire & Humber – will help providers to promote themselves, and let people know what is available

6 The State of the Market  Some areas are changing – especially in mental health – more personalised approaches, new ways of working  Still a significant number of traditional providers offering traditional services – we continue to need some of that – but would be good to see more creative provision on offer  Expanding Choices project should help, especially at the smaller enterprise end  PB users are growing in number, but slowly – recognise this is chicken & egg – more creative choices would encourage more people to try PBs – more PB users would help to stimulate the market  We continue to work with providers to encourage diversification – and to understand what support they need to develop

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