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15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2 

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Presentation on theme: "15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2 "— Presentation transcript:



3 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

4 Q: Which of these is not a District Officer  A: B.J. Blankenship  B: Bob Corlew  C: James Hix  D: Cliff Swoape

5 Q: Which of these is not a District Officer  A: B.J. Blankenship  B: Bob Corlew  C: James Hix  D: Chris Phillips

6 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

7  A: Increase numbers  B: Make our DG happy  D: Extend community service Q: Why should a Lions Club want more members  C: Get an award

8  A: Increase numbers  B: Make our DG happy  D: Extend community service Q: Why should a Lions Club want more members  C: Get an award

9 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

10 Q: Which category of membership allows a Member to “belong” to two different Lions Clubs  A: Affiliate Member  B: Honorary Member  C: Active Member  D: Associate Member

11 Q: Which category of membership allows a Member to “belong” to two different Lions Clubs  A: Affiliate Member  B: Honorary Member  C: Active Member  D: Associate Member

12 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

13  A: Life Member  B: Associate Member  C: Branch Member  D: Affiliate Member Q: Which category of membership allows a member to regularly not attend meetings

14  A: Life Member  B: Associate Member  C: Branch Member  D: Affiliate Member Q: Which category of membership allows a member to regularly not attend meetings

15 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

16 Q: Which category of membership allows a member to not attend meetings for a fixed period  A: Affiliate Member  B: Associate Member  C: Member at Large  D: Honorary Member

17  A: Affiliate Member  B: Associate Member  C: Member at Large  D: Honorary Member Q: Which category of membership allows a member to not attend meetings for a fixed period

18 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

19 Q: Which member cannot hold office  A: Member at Large  B: Associate Member  C: Branch Member  D: Affiliate Member

20 Q: Which member cannot hold office  A: Member at Large  B: Associate Member  C: Branch Member  D: Affiliate Member

21 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

22 Q: How many Members do you need to start a Club Branch  A: 20  B: 5  C: 2  D: 15

23 Q: How many Members do you need to start a Club Branch  A: 20  B: 5  C: 2  D: 15

24 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

25  A: District  B: Area  C: Lioness  D: Female Q: Which of these words may be included in the name of a new Lions Club

26  A: District  B: Area  C: Lioness  D: Female Q: Which of these words maybe included in the name of a new Lions Club

27 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

28  A: In a Swiss Bank Account  B: In the Parent Club’s Bank Account  D: Under the Treasurer’s mattress Q: Where should a Branch Club’s funds be held  C: In the Branch’s own Bank Account

29  A: In a Swiss Bank Account  B: In the Parent Club’s Bank Account  D: Under the Treasurer’s mattress Q: Where should a Branch Club’s funds be held  C: In the Branch’s own Bank Account

30 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

31  A: Branch Co-ordinator  B: Branch Chairman  D: A Chair Q: Who is the Chief Officer of a Club Branch  C: Club President

32  A: Branch Co-ordinator  B: Branch Chairman  D:A Chair Q: Who is the Chief Officer of a Club Branch  C: Club President

33 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

34  A: 3 for the Club  B: 2 for the Club  D: 3 for Club and 1 for Branch Q: If the Branch Club has 5 members and the Parent Club has a further 20 members. How many votes would they have at Convention?  C: 2 for Club and 1 for Branch

35  A: 3 for the Club  B: 2 for the Club Q: If the Branch Club has 5 members and the Parent Club has a further 20 members. How many votes would they have at Convention  C: 2 for Club and 1 for Branch  D: 3 for Club and 1 for Branch

36 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

37  A: They leave Lions  B: They have the right to transfer to another Lions Club Q: If the Branch Club winds up what happens to its members  C: They remain members of the Parent Club  D: They continue operating as an independent Branch

38  A: They leave Lions  B: They have the right to transfer to another Lions Club  D: They continue operating as an independent Branch Q: If the Branch Club winds up what happens to its members  C: They remain members of the Parent Club

39 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

40  A: Clubs in that Zone  B: The Lions Club itself  D: Any other Lions Club Q: The Members of which Clubs can assist a Lions Club with a Major Project in your Town  C: New Century Lions Club

41  A: Clubs in that Zone  B: The Lions Club itself  D: Any other Lions Club Q: The Members of which Clubs can assist a Lions Club with a Major Project in your Town  C: New Century Lions Club

42 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

43  A: Clubs in that Zone  B: The Lions Club itself  D: Any other Lions Club  C: New Century Lions Club Q: The Members of which Clubs are allowed to collect at a supermarket in the home town of a Lions Club

44  A: Clubs in that Zone  B: The Lions Club itself  D: Any other Lions Club  C: New Century Lions Club Q: The Members of which Clubs are allowed to collect at a supermarket in the home town of a Lions Club

45 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

46  A: A Member of a Lioness Club  B: A spouse  D: The widow of a deceased Lion Q: Which of the following does not need to pay a fee to International when joining a Lions Club  C: Former Leo

47  A: A Member of a Lioness Club  D: The widow of a deceased Lion Q: Which of the following does not need to pay a fee to International when joining a Lions Club  C: Former Leo  B: A spouse

48 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

49 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

50 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100

51 15  1,000,000 14  500,000 13  250,000 12  125,000 11  64,000 10  32,000 9  16,000 8  8,000 7  4,000 6  2,000 5  1,000 4  500 3  300 2  200 1  100



54 Questions



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