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.ZIP files Used to compress file sized – Compress: make smaller Used to keep files together.

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Presentation on theme: ".ZIP files Used to compress file sized – Compress: make smaller Used to keep files together."— Presentation transcript:

1 .ZIP files Used to compress file sized – Compress: make smaller Used to keep files together

2 .ZIP files To uncompress file: – Right click and drag to where you want them – Select “Extract” To create file: – Select all files to’ed – Right click  Send to  Compressed (zipped) folder

3 .ZIP exercise Go to My Computer  C:  PSSendFile Unzip the files there All class work will be in these folders.

4 Formulae Basics + to add -to subtract / to divide * to multiply % to make a percentage = to make equals

5 Formulae Basics 2 ( ) Brackets are the first priority / Division is next * Multiplication + Addition and finally Subtraction is the last priority

6 Formulae with Cell Reference Cell names can be used as variables. C1=3 D1=4 E1=5 Select F1; input in the formula bar “=(C1+D1)/E1”

7 Adding Cell Names Automatically You don’t have to type every one Click!

8 Drag Handles and Formulae You can drag formulae as well as numbers Cell references will automatically change

9 Functions Pre-set formulae SUM function – adds up a column =A1+A2+A3+A4 =SUM(A1:A4) (A1:A4) is called a range

10 Personal Expenses 2, Concluded Select cell B10 In the forumla bar: =SUM(B4:B9)

11 AutoSum Select cell C10 Click the AutoSum button (Sigma button) The AutoSum Button

12 Personal Expenses 3 Please go to My Computer  PSSendFile Open “Personal Expenses 3” and follow the instructions.

13 Accessing Other Functions In the toolbar, press f x button Check the menu and explanations

14 Other Common Functions AVERAGE MIN MAX IF/THEN

15 AVERAGE Simply finds the average Formula format =AVERAGE(A1:A10)

16 MIN Finds the minimum number in a range Formula format =MIN(A1:A10)

17 MAX Finds the highest number in a range Formula format =MAX(A1:A10)

18 IF/THEN Returns different values depending on the true/false situation Formula Format: =IF(G10>5351,"Warning Over Budget","OK Under Budget")

19 Personal Expenses 4 You know what to do…

20 Groceries Exercise Again!

21 International Academy Exercise Just one more! This one will be collected and graded. Follow all instructions carefully!

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