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E a s y S h a r e Jung Son Ky Le. Operational Concepts Recent years, huge number of growth in Internet users and broadband usage File-sharing become extremely.

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Presentation on theme: "E a s y S h a r e Jung Son Ky Le. Operational Concepts Recent years, huge number of growth in Internet users and broadband usage File-sharing become extremely."— Presentation transcript:

1 E a s y S h a r e Jung Son Ky Le

2 Operational Concepts Recent years, huge number of growth in Internet users and broadband usage File-sharing become extremely popular Emails, IM, Peer-to-Peer Apps Limitations in current file-sharing applications

3 Operational Concepts (cont.) EasyShare provides convenient way of sharing files Share files with friends, family, others Centralized database, eliminating peer-to-peer connection Faster than peer-to-peer file sharing Speed is only limited by the user’s own connection speed

4 System Requirements Users given fixed amount of storage Users can upload/download files to/from personal online database Folders can be made private, password protected or public Users can add friends, view/download their friends’ public files

5 System Requirements (cont.) Search files and download Protected folders are useful for sharing confidential files between friends Application maintains statistics for each file

6 System & Software Architecture Clients use application via window that includes friend management, download/upload/search files Server needs a database system Major software components include: login, main, friend management, down/upload window

7 System & Software Architecture (cont.)

8 Life Cycle Plan Seven weeks to complete with 4-8 students Requires developers knowledgeable in database, networking, and building platform Work divided into three parts Each developer spends ~15 hours/week

9 Life Cycle Plan (cont.) Use of Spiral Model Week 1: collect requirements, resources and build a detail design. Week 2 – 5: coding. Update the design if necessary. First release after week 2. Week 6: testing. Update the design. Second release at the beginning of the week. Week 7: testing and finish. Final release.

10 Feasibility Rationale Risks: Availability of developers with database & networking knowledge Security and high transfer rate Searching & sorting implementation

11 Feasibility Rationale (cont.) Can this really be built? With today’s resources and technology, YES, given that project members are knowledgeable in networking, database management, and platform building

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