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TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Making three ends meet Henrik Halkier Professor of Regional and Tourism Studies Aalborg University Denmark

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Presentation on theme: "TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Making three ends meet Henrik Halkier Professor of Regional and Tourism Studies Aalborg University Denmark"— Presentation transcript:

1 TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Making three ends meet Henrik Halkier Professor of Regional and Tourism Studies Aalborg University Denmark

2 TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Making three ends meet Henrik Halkier Aalborg University Denmark

3 TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Making three ends meet Henrik Halkier Aalborg University Denmark

4 TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Making three ends meet 1. Introduction: Actors in tourism development 2. Reasons to go / 1: Destination attractiveness 3. Reasons to go / 2: Image and experiences 4. Nothing special? Architectural heritage tourism

5 Tourists and tourism: WHAT’S IN A NAME ? “someone who moves away from home on a temporary or short-term basis for at least 24 hours, whether travelling in his or her own country (domestic tourism) or going to another country (international tourism)” (Law, 1994 p.4).

6 Tourists and tourism: WHAT’S IN A NAME ? ”Tourism may be defined as the sum of the processes, activities, and outcomes arising from the interactions among tourists, tourism suppliers, host governments, host communities, origin governments, universities, community colleges, and non-governmental organisations, in the process of attracting, transporting, hosting and managing these tourists and other visitors”. (Weaver & Lawton 2006, p.3).

7 Tourism development MAPPING A TRIANGLE Source: H. Halkier: Regional turismeudvikling mellem udbud og efterspørgsel, in Halkier et al. (eds.): Regional turismeudvikling mellem udbud og efterspørgsel, Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag, 2002, p 120 Tourists Public facilitators/ regulators Private providers

8 Reasons to go / 1 DESTINATION PULL FACTORS  Geographical proximity to markets  Accessibility to markets  Availability of attractions  Availability of services  Affordability  Peace, stability & safety  Cultural links  Positive market image  Pro-tourism policies

9 Reasons to go / 1 NORTHERN CHALLENGES ? International tourism in Europe. Source: Calculated on the basis of World Tourism Organisation 2005.

10 Reasons to go / 1 NORTHERN CHALLENGES ?

11 Reasons to go / 2 IMAGES OF OTHERS +- = Friendly images Investor appeal Dull images Indifference?  Exotic images Tourist appeal Hostile images Enemy-making

12 Reasons to go / 2 COMPLEX EXPERIENCES Absorption Passive Participation Active Participation Immersion Entertainment Educational EstheticEscapist (Pine & Gilmore, 1999 p.30)

13 NOTHING SPECIAL? Architectural heritage tourism Ebeltoft,

14 NOTHING SPECIAL? Architectural heritage tourism The Old Town, Aarhus - -

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