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ECE 448: Lab 5 VGA Display. Breaking-Bricks..

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1 ECE 448: Lab 5 VGA Display. Breaking-Bricks.

2 Organization and Grading

3 Flexibility in the Second Part of the Semester
You can work on all lab assignments from Part II of the course either individually or in groups of two students. The number of required and bonus tasks, as well as the grading scheme will be different for individuals and the groups of two. In case of the group work, both students are expected to be intimately familiar with the entire solution to the given lab assignment and the entire lab report. This knowledge will be verified during the experiment demonstration and the same grade will be applied to the entire team.

4 Flexibility in the Second Part of the Semester
Schedule A: Lab 4: VGA display (2 weeks) – 6 points Lab 5: DSP & FPGA Embedded Resources (2 weeks) – 6 points Lab 6: PicoBlaze & Serial Communication (3 weeks) – 6 points Lab 6a: Logic Analyzer (in class) – 2 points Total: 20 points Schedule B: Lab 4: VGA display (3 weeks) – 6 points Lab 5: DSP & FPGA Embedded Resources (4 weeks) – 6 points Lab 6a: Logic Analyzer (in class) – 2 points Total: 14 points

5 VGA Background

6 Video Graphic Array (VGA)
Resolution: 640x480 Display: 16 colors (4 bits), 256 colors (8 bits) Refresh Rate: 25Hz, 30Hz, 60Hz (frames / second) RGB: Red, Green and Blue colors 6

7 VGA Monitor 639 479 Horizontal Flyback Horizontal Trace
639 Horizontal Flyback Horizontal Trace Vertical Flyback 479 7

8 VGA Control Signal Timing
25.6 us 26.24 us 26.24 us 30.08 us 30.08 us 30.08 us Resolution 640x480 32 us 32 us 32 us 15.36 ms 15.68 ms ms 16.8ms 8

9 VGA Control Signal Timing
Frequency 25Mhz 640 clock cycles 26.24 us 656 clock cycles 30.08 us 30.08 us 752 clock cycles Resolution 640x480 32 us 32 us 800 clock cycles 480 lines 490 lines 492 lines 525 lines 9

10 VGA 15 Pin 10

11 PINs on Board NET "HS" LOC = "J14" | DRIVE = 2 | PULLUP ;
NET "VS" LOC = "K13" | DRIVE = 2 | PULLUP ; NET "OutRed<2>" LOC = "F13" | DRIVE = 2 | PULLUP NET "OutRed<1>" LOC = "D13" | DRIVE = 2 | PULLUP ; NET "OutRed<0>" LOC = "C14" | DRIVE = 2 | PULLUP ; We do not use this pin. NET "OutGreen<2>" LOC = "G14" | DRIVE = 2 | PULLUP; NET "OutGreen<1>" LOC = "G13" | DRIVE = 2 | PULLUP ; NET "OutGreen<0>" LOC = "F14" | DRIVE = 2 | PULLUP ; We do not use this pin. NET "OutBlue<2>" LOC = "J13" | DRIVE = 2 | PULLUP ; NET "OutBlue<1>" LOC = "H13" | DRIVE = 2 | PULLUP ;

12 Introduction to Lab 5

13 Task 1: Display Ball (in Blue color) and Background (in Cyan color) (for individuals: required, 1 points; for teams: required, 0.75 points) Draw a ball in the center of the screen 13

14 Task 1: Display Ball (in Blue color) and Background (in Cyan color) (for individuals: required, 1 points; for teams: required, 0.75 points) X Y X0 Y0 Ball Fill: implements equation [(X-X0)2+(Y-Y0)2< R2] Color Generator: Selects colors for ball and background VGA Controller: Sync generator (may use Digilent) 14 14

15 Task 2: Display Pedal bar (in Red color) (for individuals: required, 1 points; for teams: required, 0.75 points) Add a pedal bar (in red color). Adjust the width of pedal = 5 pixels (in x-axis) and height = 60 pixels (in y-axis). 15

16 Task 3: Display Boundary (in Green color) (for individuals: required, 1 points; for teams: required, 0.75 points) Add a boundary (in green color). Adjust the boundary thickness = 3 pixels, length = 634 pixels (in x-axis) and height = 474 pixels (in y-axis). 16 16

17 Task 4: Ball and Pedal bar movements (for individuals: required, 1 points; for teams: required, 0.75 points) Move the ball automatically to any point inside the boundary. The ball should bounce back when it hits the boundary or pedal bar and must not exit the boundary. The movement of pedal bar is controlled by using switch 0 ( High: Up, Low: Down) 17 17

18 Task 4: Ball and Pedal bar movements (for individuals: required, 1 points; for teams: required, 0.75 points) Clock divider: 5ms per step, pulsed output (high for 1 clock) Count: [NEXT = PREV +/- 4*(STEP+1)] Automatic Count: limit out to within boundary (use generic) Duplicate for Y-axis (Clock Divider shared by X and Y-axis) 18 18

19 Task 5: Ball speed and Pedal bar sizes (for individuals: required, 1 points; for teams: required, 1 points) Switches 1-2 select the step size to change the balls speed (in both horizontal and vertical direction). 3 speed configurations for ball (1X, 2X, 3X) Switch 3-4 select the pedal bar sizes 3 size configurations for pedal bar (25%, 50% and 100%) 19 19

20 Task 6: Displaying Bricks (for individuals: required, 1 points; for teams: required, 1 points)
Add 2 bricks, 4 bricks each in three vertical columns (in magenta color). Adjust the width of each brick = 5 pixels (in x-axis) and height as per your requirement (see figure above). 20 20

21 Task 7: Bricks disappearing when hit by a ball (for individuals: bonus, 2 points; for teams: required, 1 points) when ball hits any of the bricks, it should disappear. 21 21

22 Task 8 : Display score on Seven segment display (for teams only: bonus, 2 points)
Display the score on seven segment display. Whenever the ball hits any of the bricks, increment total score. When all of the bricks are broken, pause the game and display DONE on seven segment display. 22 22

23 Switch Functions Switch[0] Up and down movement of Pedal bar
Switch[2:1] Step Size (in both X and Y-axis) 00: step size = 4 (1X: default speed) 01: step size = 8 (2X: twice the speed) 10: step size = 12 (3X: three times the speed) Switch[4:3] Pedal bar sizes 00: 100% of pedal size (default size) 01: 50% of pedal size (half size) 10: 25% of pedal size (quarter of actual size)

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