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MN IDS Project Progress Update. MN IDS Update Progress to date v Test Intersection v Sensor evaluation results v Benefit:cost efforts progress v Human.

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Presentation on theme: "MN IDS Project Progress Update. MN IDS Update Progress to date v Test Intersection v Sensor evaluation results v Benefit:cost efforts progress v Human."— Presentation transcript:

1 MN IDS Project Progress Update

2 MN IDS Update Progress to date v Test Intersection v Sensor evaluation results v Benefit:cost efforts progress v Human Factors (Max) v Rural Intersection Pooled Fund Study (Max) Upcoming work v Intersection on line v Simulator Studies v MUTCD approval v Benefit:cost analyses

3 MN IDS Test Intersection u Design Completed 15 Jan 2004 u Design review with Mn/DOT traffic, geometric, district, and ESS engineers v Good advice Recommendations for sensor mounts Nothing in the median lasts  Revised cross-roads surveillance Laser sensors to Visible Light/IR Cameras v Explored opportunity to cooperate on construction Month of negotiations, didn’t work out.  ROC 52  ESS

4 MN Test Intersection Overview

5 Present Instrumentation u Mainline v Vehicle speed, position, lane of travel (Radar) v 2000 foot coverage before Xroads (Radar) v 800 foot coverage beyond (Radar) v 53’x36’ coverage at camera (IR/Visible) v Hardwired and Wireless Communication Cost and performance trade-off analyses u Crossroads v Vehicle type (Radar and laser based) v Vehicle approach speed (adapt VA technology at a later date?) v Trajectory leaving minor road Right turn (camera + radar) Straight through (camera) Left turn (camera + radar)

6 MN Test Intersection-Mainline Sensors Radar Camera Suite (for evaluation) Camera FOV 53’x36’ Radar to track vehicles past crossroads (primarily for minor road trajectory recording)

7 Mainline Highlights u Camera / mast provides independent means to verify v Radar performance v Camera performance v Gap tracker performance v Emerging technologies u May or may not be part of final system v Benefit:cost analysis v Poor weather capability of vision based systems

8 Mainline Radar Sensor

9 Laser / Radar Sensor Mount Approved by Mn/DOT Right-of-Way Engineer 350 Crash worthy Will include break-away conduit and connector Will include reflector at top of 3# U channel

10 Radar Performance Results: Geometrics

11 Radar Performance Results: Coverage

12 Radar Performance Results: Lane Classification Errors

13 Radar Performance Results: Speed Errors

14 Intersection Crossroads-Vehicle Trajectory C4 FOV C3 FOV Cameras at intersection corners capture the trajectory of vehicles entering intersection from minor roads. Mn/DOT advised that median-based sensors won’t live. (Crashed out).

15 Camera Mount Detail

16 Camera Based Validation Tracking on this side No tracking on this side

17 Intersection Crossroads – Vehicle Classification Horizontal Laser Scanner Vertical Laser Scanner Classification Capable T-300 Radar Classification Capable T-300 Radar

18 R/WIS Data from Intersection Mn/DOT updates at 10 Minute intervals. Data collected every 10 minutes

19 Information Available from Intersection u Distribution of gaps accepted by drivers v for right turns v for left turns v for crossing intersection (see next page) Cross-correlated with v Vehicle type / size v Driver age (macroscopic level, limited basis initially) v Driver gender (limited basis initially) v Weather effects (R/WIS 0.9 Mile away), with in-road sensors (collecting data already)

20 Information Available from Intersection (cont’d) u Maneuvers executed by drivers from minor road v Left turn in one stage or two? Variation in left and right gaps accepted for each maneuver type Cross-correlation with vehicle type v Crossing intersection in one stage or two? Variation in left and right gaps accepted for each maneuver type Cross-correlation with vehicle type

21 Information Available from Intersection (cont’d) u Response of mainline traffic v Speed adjustment if stationary vehicle on minor road Do mainline drivers adjust speed if a vehicle is spotted on minor road? Will mainline drivers move to left lane (when possible) to provide a lane for the minor road traffic? v Reaction of drivers on major road if too small gap is accepted Braking? Lane change? Other?

22 Design Detail: Main Controller Cabinet

23 Design Detail: Intersection Cabling


25 Intersection Build Details u Hardware v Cameras, radar, lasers, camera masts, radar stations, etc., ordered or out on bid. v iDAQ (intersection Data AcQuisition) computers built u Software v Camera based vehicle tracking software under continued development (20 FPS vs. existing 5 FPS for improved tracking and robustness) v Wireless system integrity software scaled from Demo 2003 version

26 Intersection Build Details u Construction v Bid to purchasing 12 March 2004 v UMN VP signature expected 16 March 2004 v Bids due back 2 weeks after bid is published. v 04 June 2004 end date specified v Cold cold winter, need to avoid frozen ground trenching costs.

27 MUTCD Approval Process u Howard Preston contract, phase II executed. u Task Highlights which follow Mn/MUTCD Section 1A.10 v Documentation of the design process, from crash analysis to simulator study results v Patent search v Development of acceptable research plan for the ensuing FOT Data collection MOE’s v Semi-annual progress reports to FHWA Office of Transportation Operations

28 Benefit Cost Analysis: Concept

29 Benefit Cost Analysis: Framework NPV: Net Present Value

30 Benefit Cost Analysis: Status u Work complete/in progress v Subtask C1: Identify relevant technologies, Review of Literature. v Subtask C2: Develop Benefit Cost Framework. v Subtask C3: Estimate Lifespan of Technology. v Subtask C4: Estimate Costs of technology. v Subtask C5: Estimate Benefits of Countermeasures.  Subtask C6: Lifecycle Analysis. u Work yet to be undertaken v Subtask C7: Recommend Countermeasures. v Subtask C8: Analyze Inter- technology Effects. v Subtask C9: Determine Performance Metrics. v Subtask C10: Develop cost:performance models. v Subtask 11: Analyze Synergies.  Subtask 12: Optimize Counter-measure Combination.

31 Schedule Adherence TODAY Intersection Brought On-line Human Factors Simulator DII Testing Begins Final Report Preparation Begins

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