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.NET and XML (or XML in.NET) Matt Harding David Oguns.

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Presentation on theme: ".NET and XML (or XML in.NET) Matt Harding David Oguns."— Presentation transcript:

1 .NET and XML (or XML in.NET) Matt Harding David Oguns

2 Agenda Microsoft Design Goals XML Reading and Writing DOM in.NET

3 Design Goals W3C Standards Compliant Extensible Pluggable Performance Integration with ADO.NET

4 XML Namespaces System.Xml System.Xml.Schema System.Xml.XPath System.Xml.Xsl

5 XML Reading Exposed through a few classes: –XmlReader abstract class –XmlTextReader, XmlValidatingReader, XmlNodeReader implementations Uses pull parsing –Allows for recursive decent approach –*Apple Property List Example

6 XML Writing XmlWriter abstract class –One implementation => XmlTextWriter Methods are almost parallel to XmlReader class *Apple Property Lists Revisisted

7 DOM in.NET More or less the same as in Java XmlDocument inherits from XmlNode which implements IXPathNavigable.

8 More Information We didn’t cover everything: – Microsoft also uses an XML based documenting tool

9 Closing If you are writing applications that use XML and web services extensively, consider using the.NET platform to take advantage of Microsoft’s elegant solutions.

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