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Citizen Organizations Article 37 of the Romanian Constitution recognizes the right of citizens to organize in various ways in order to promote their collective.

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Presentation on theme: "Citizen Organizations Article 37 of the Romanian Constitution recognizes the right of citizens to organize in various ways in order to promote their collective."— Presentation transcript:


2 Citizen Organizations Article 37 of the Romanian Constitution recognizes the right of citizens to organize in various ways in order to promote their collective interests. The right to freely associate does not imply an obligation to do so. Citizens may organize themselves into political parties, religious groups, labor unions (sindicate), and non-governmental organizations (NGO=ONG). Except political parties, all these groups are part of civil society Citizens often organize themselves into groups with no legal status (i.e. study groups, parent’s associations, groups that organize cultural events) A special place is occupied by NGO’s. NGO’s are non-profit organizations and have various objectives Education (civic, artistic, religious etc.) Charity Militant (protection of human rights, protection of the environment etc.)

3 Labor Unions Together with NGO’s, labor unions are some of the most important components of civil society Labor unions defend the rights of employees (salariati) and promote their professional interests Labor unions are organized lawfully and have the right to sign collective contracts. They also have the right to organize meetings and strikes.

4 Political Parties Unlike civil society organizations, Political parties are organizations devoted to gaining political power. Political parties thus participate, either alone or in coalition with other parties, in the electoral process in order to gain votes and thereby representation in either Parliament or at the level of local public authorities. Political parties represent the interest of their members and supporters. They are an essential component of democratic politics because they seek to express the political will of the citizens. Political parties promote a particular doctrine or program.

5 Political Parties (cont.) Political parties may generally be classified into: Left (greater role for the state in education, health, support for the disadvantaged) Center Right (free market, individual initiative, accept socio- economic inequality)

6 Political Parties (cont.) Another way of classifying political parties is by their specific name and/or political program: Christian-DemocraticSocialist Conservative Communist Republican Fascist Monarhist Social-Democrat Liberal

7 Romanian Political Parties First modern political parties appeared after 1859, first as interest groups then as formal parties National Liberal Party (PNL) in 1875, Conservative Party (PC) in 1880, Social - Democratic Party (PSDMR) in 1893 In the interwar period, the National Peasant Party, the National-Liberal Party, and the Social-Democratic Party were the principal parties. They are known as the historic parties. After December 1989, there appeared many political parties.

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