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T UESDAY D ECEMBER 2 2014 Drill : Why do groups make laws? HW : Hammurabi Code- Was it Just- Document A and B Questions Obj : Describe the achievements.

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Presentation on theme: "T UESDAY D ECEMBER 2 2014 Drill : Why do groups make laws? HW : Hammurabi Code- Was it Just- Document A and B Questions Obj : Describe the achievements."— Presentation transcript:

1 T UESDAY D ECEMBER 2 2014 Drill : Why do groups make laws? HW : Hammurabi Code- Was it Just- Document A and B Questions Obj : Describe the achievements of Ancient Babylon to determine the impact they had on the people of Mesopotamia.

2 W ORLD C AFÉ D IRECTIONS 1. Read the laws with your group 2. Read the question 3. Brainstorm answers to the question 4. Record answers on your worksheet 5. Pick the BEST answer your group has and write it on the Yellow Paper. A-Recorder- Writes on the Poster B- Time Keeper- Check time remaining C- Discussion Leader- Starts by reading Question D-Bouncer- Let Ms. Yelito know who is not on track E- Fact Checker- Does the answer make sense?

3 E XIT T ICKET Were the laws fair? Justify your response

4 E MPIRE A large area controlled by one group. Usually expands to take over other ethnic groups

5 How did geography influence the development of sedentary societies then civilizations in Mesopotamia?

6 E XIT T ICKET 1. How did the invention of Cuneiform impact the people of Sumer? 2. Which invention improved the lives of Sumerians the most? Why?

7 L AW C ODE A list of laws. Example: Hammurabi’s Code- a set of laws written by Hammurabi.

8 T UESDAY, N OVEMBER 19 2013 Drill : What is a city- state? HW : History Makers: Hammurabi Obj : Describe the domestic policies of Hammurabi in order to analyze the impact the policies had on the people of Babylon.

9 C ITY -S TATE A city and the surrounding farmland.

10 Hammurabi’s Code

11 Y OUR M ISSION : 1. Read about your section of society : 1. Health Care 2. Criminal Justice System 3. Family Life 4. Jobs 5. Women 2. Answer the questions on the White Sheet in your folder. 1. Be as SPECIFIC as Possible.

12 Y OUR M ISSION : Council of Advisors, I, whom Anu and Bel called by name me, Hammurabi, the exalted prince, who fears the gods, wants to bring about the rule of righteousness in this land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers. Those who are ruled by me will find that the strong will no longer harm the weak. I rule over the people like Shamash, god of the sun, to enlighten the land, to further the well being of mankind.

13 Thanks to my building projects here in southern Mesopotamia—such as the great and lesser canals—my people have prospered and multiplied. Now, my land is crowded. My people complain that there is crime. My people complain that they cannot get a fair price for their labor and yet they must pay too much for what they need. The people cry out that they want more of the things possessed by the nations surrounding us so that we can build many fine cities, supply the people with useful metals, and increase the strength of our armies. To enrich this kingdom, we need more people who will buy our excess grains.

14 P ROBLEMS T O S OLVE … 1. Keep my people happy and maintain stability here in Babylonia? 2. Let the people know that I am a fair and just ruler? 3. Reduce crime? 4. Guarantee fair wages? 5. Guarantee that citizens are treated fairly by trades people and professionals? 6. Guarantee that trades people and professionals get fair treatment? 7. Make sure that slaves do not revolt? 8. Provide for the things my people desire? 9. Relieve overcrowding? 10. Supply my magnificent armies with the materials they need and reward my generals and soldiers? 11. Find markets for our excess crops?

15 W ITHIN YOUR G ROUPS As the Group of Advisors, pick 5 of the questions you would like to solve. What are 5 laws you could write to solve these problems? Remember… is this fair to everyone? A- Timekeeper B- Discussion Leader C- Bouncer- for those off topic! D- Fact Checker E- Recorder

16 E XIT T ICKET Based on today’s discussions, describe what life was like in Ancient Babylon. How did Hammurabi’s policies impact the people living in Babylon? Use specifics in your answer.



19 W EDNESDAY D ECEMBER 5 2012 Drill : List 2 achievements of Assyria. HW : Interpreting Charts Due Thursday. Obj : Compare and contrast the civilizations of Sumer, Assyria and Babylon.

20 T UESDAY D ECEMBER 4 2012 Drill : Who was Hammurabi? HW : Interpreting Charts Due Thursday. Obj : Identify and describe the achievements of ancient Assyria

21 F ERTILE C RESCENT Between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers


23 F RIDAY D ECEMBER 7 2012 Drill : Where is Persia? HW : Notebook Organization Never Ends. Obj : Describe the achievements of the Persians

24 T UESDAY, N OVEMBER 25 2014 Drill : What is an Empire? HW : Notebook Organization Never Ends. Obj : Identify and describe cultural characteristics of the Sumerians and Babylonians

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