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M E T R Monitoring and Evaluation for Timely Responses “Measuring the right things in the right way at the right time” Briefing for Discussion at FEMA,

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Presentation on theme: "M E T R Monitoring and Evaluation for Timely Responses “Measuring the right things in the right way at the right time” Briefing for Discussion at FEMA,"— Presentation transcript:

1 M E T R Monitoring and Evaluation for Timely Responses “Measuring the right things in the right way at the right time” Briefing for Discussion at FEMA, IPB Dramaga Wednesday 20 th May 2015, v2 Documents also provided, - METR two-page summary - METR checklist - METR team-building and project engagement

2 METR  adds value to existing methodologies for M&E of development projects  guided by project goals within wider development context  external  rapid project performance assessment (3-4 weeks) World Bank (2004) Monitoring and Evaluation: Some Tools, Methods and Approaches, Section 14  extension of EuropeAID M&E EuropeAid (2002) Project Cycle Handbook, Annex 5.3.3.  ex-post, midterm evaluation


4 Projects appropriate for METR 1) Natural resource / environmental management 2) Fisheries, forestry, agroforestry, agriculture production and trade 3) Public health & education 4) Microfinance 5) Conflict resolution 6) Rehabilitation and Reconstruction after Natural/Human Disaster relief 7) Climate change adaptation

5 METR Team Resources to assess project interventions  Science and Technology  Economics  Institutional Development

6 METR Emphasis 1.Impact-oriented, direct and proxy indicators 2.Clearly distinguishes between design and implementation contribution to success/failure 3.Employs counterfactuals to assess attribution 4.Achieves understanding of the nature of the problem and its solution ~ from Problem Tree to Program Logic 5.Follows objective yet appreciative inquiry 6.Assesses the crucial role of MUTUAL TRUST among key stakeholders 7.Encourages Shared learning among not only project beneficiaries/partners, implementers and donors but also policy- makers

7 Five Guiding Questions about the Project 1.“Is there sufficient mutual trust among key stakeholders (ToT)?” 2.“What we thought we knew but experience taught us otherwise?” 3.“Are lessons being learned and shared or just identified?” 4.“What was your best moment on the project?” 5.“What will happen on the first day after the last day of the project?”

8 METR Report Structure covers I. PROJECT DESIGN: Understanding the nature of the problem ~ problem tree Translating understanding into program logic ~ logical framework II. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: Efficiency of delivery of benefits Effectiveness of outreach to targeted groups Impact beyond set-up of projects with target groups Sustainability beyond the project assistance lifetime (likelihood, if project still on-going) Lessons Learned about unexpected outcomes of the project, good and bad Recommendations for improvement addressed to donor provider III. FEEDBACK: incorporating key stakeholder responses



11 Distinguishing between maximizing and optimizing productivity

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