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Organization LIVES. EMPOWERING YOUR PROFESSIONAL LIFE 1.Building your own organization within your own organization 2.Avoiding ME zones and alone zones.

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Presentation on theme: "Organization LIVES. EMPOWERING YOUR PROFESSIONAL LIFE 1.Building your own organization within your own organization 2.Avoiding ME zones and alone zones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization LIVES

2 EMPOWERING YOUR PROFESSIONAL LIFE 1.Building your own organization within your own organization 2.Avoiding ME zones and alone zones 3.Fulfilling your personal life & professional life simultaneously

3 PRO SUCCESS TOOLS 1.Virtual Teams (see topic slides & online Virtual Teams pro manual) 2.Also see the Virtual Team Examples online reading


5 7 DIFFERENT ORG LIVES 2 zones 5 communities It’s your choice; it’s your life.

6 WHY COMMUNITIES? They are the 2 nd wave (personal goals) you surf on.

7 2 ORG ZONES Here are 6 org communities & 2 isolation zones:

8 ME zone Here are 6 org communities & 2 isolation zones:

9 ME zone = ambitious professionals who build their careers by taking fullest advantage of (using for self- gain) org resources (co- workers, clients, networks, budgets, information, etc.) for building resume & career. ME-zoners define themselves as their own constituent.

10 ALONE ZONE Here are 6 org communities & 2 isolation zones:

11 The ALONE Zone = mostly “blue- collar” employees, part-timers, & temps who work alone or in an independent environment “making a living,” not building a career. Community in the alone zone is typically limited to superficial relationships (like work breaks) due to the non-interdependent (working alone) nature of low level work + high job turnover.

12 5 OCs

13 COW C ommunity O f W ealth Here are 6 org communities & 2 isolation zones:

14 COW = Becoming financially wealthy by increasing the wealth of org stockholders/owners In most corporations, the COW = the upper echelon executives hired to maximize profit & shareholder wealth + various corp. non- employee insiders (board members, investment companies, politicians) who gain from their invisible liaisons with the COW

15 Exec wealth = f( ∑ wealth generated for $investors) → exec annual profit bonuses (often a fat % of the corp’s overall profit); stock options to motivate execs to crank up the corp’s short-run stock value; opps for exec cut of $$$ gained from mergers & spin- offs; benefiting from insider deals as a board member, etc.

16 Becoming a COWboy or COWgirl requires: 1.Executive-rank power to directly impact high/stable investment returns for stockholders 2.Membership in the org’s community of power 3.Political & networking expertise (“savior faire”) to increase power & business opportunities

17 4.Expertise in exploiting impersonal capitalism systems for org gain: stock market;, national & global consumers; emerging technology, consumerism, equity & loans, global supply chains; oligopolies (non- competitive industries) & monopolies (one company industry)

18 COP C ommunity O f P ower Here are 6 org communities & 2 isolation zones:

19 COP = Board members, executives, & well-networked non-employees (independent investors, politicians, lobbyists, foreign officials, etc.), who unilaterally make most of the org’s major decisions/strategies. Typically the larger the org, the more disconnected & invisible COP members are in order to reduce personal accountability.

20 COMCS C ommunity O f M iddle C lass S tatus Here are 6 org communities & 2 isolation zones:

21 COMCS = Mostly non- executive career professionals with one or more college degrees & professional certifications: brand managers, retail buyers, district managers, department heads, etc. COMCS employees drive “CARS”:

22 C areer success: promotions & upward mobility A ffluence: upper tier of middle- class income & material wealth R ecognition: professional awards & civic status S elf-fulfillment: social status & public recognition

23 COSOR C ommunity O f SO cial R elationships Here are 6 org communities & 2 isolation zones:

24 COSOR = Employees who rely on their work org as a surrogate family of co-workers who fill a social void. The most common COSOR members today are young un- married, geographically- mobile pre-professionals building a new social network.

25 COS C ommunity O f S ervice Here are 6 org communities & 2 isolation zones:

26 COS = WE > ME employees who focus on serving (deriving significant personal meaning from) co-workers & clients in invisible ways. Service is generated via teamwork; cooperation; leading & following on an informal basis; coaching & mentoring, etc. Service opportunities are available to all employees all the time without org permission.

27 WHY SERVICE? 1.You might not be 100% amoral. 2.Money & status may not be the only things you value in life. 3.Serving yourself may not be your only purpose in life.

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