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Mexico, Central America, & Caribbean Test Review.

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1 Mexico, Central America, & Caribbean Test Review


3 In 1836, settlers in this state decided to break away from Mexico.

4 Texas


6 Bahamas

7 The United States and Mexico fought a war in 1846 because of _______________________

8 Boundary Disputes


10 El Salvador

11 Many Native Americans died from this disease which was carried by the Spanish and other Europeans

12 Smallpox

13 Mexico’s name comes from these people

14 Aztec Mexica Warriors


16 Haiti

17 These are people of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry.

18 Mestizo


20 Costa Rica

21 This country is made of coral islands

22 Bahamas

23 Mexico is the world’s leading producer of

24 Silver


26 Jamaica


28 Gulf of Mexico


30 Atlantic Ocean

31 The U.S. helped this country gain independence from Colombia, then negotiated permission to build an important canal there.

32 Panama


34 Nicaragua

35 In 1959, Fidel Castro overthrew the government of this country.

36 In 1959, Fidel Castro overthrew the government of this country Cuba

37 This agreement makes it easier for companies in Canada, The U.S. and Mexico to do business with each other.

38 North American Free Trade Agreement (N.A.F.T.A.)


40 Panama

41 Life expectancy in Haiti is just over _______ years.

42 49


44 Mexico


46 Pacific Ocean

47 This is Mexico’s leading export

48 Petroleum

49 He captured the Aztecs and claimed Mexico for Spain.

50 Cortes

51 A regional variety of a language

52 Dialect


54 Honduras

55 These people built their capital on a swampy island and developed a series of floating gardens to support it.

56 Aztecs

57 This was the first European country to colonize the Caribbean and Central America

58 Spain


60 Guatemala

61 Columbus gave the Caribbean islands this name.

62 West Indies

63 Many countries in Central America and the Caribbean have been ruled by these people who used violence to grab and keep power.

64 Dictators

65 This country is noted for its coffee production.

66 Guatemala

67 Years of political problems as well as recent earthquakes and hurricanes has made this country one of the poorest countries in the world.

68 Haiti


70 Cuba

71 These people were skilled in mathematics and astronomy, had a calendar, and were the first in North America to have a system of writing.

72 Mayas


74 Caribbean Sea

75 This country is the home of Bob Marley and Reggae music.

76 Jamaica


78 Belize

79 This is what Mexicans call the Rio Grande River.

80 Rio Bravo

81 This was the Aztec capital which was build on an island

82 Tenochtitlan

83 Study!

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