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IROS 2003, Las Vegas: Open Forum Open Problems Ken Goldberg IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "IROS 2003, Las Vegas: Open Forum Open Problems Ken Goldberg IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 IROS 2003, Las Vegas: Open Forum Open Problems Ken Goldberg IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

2 TimeActivity 1:00-2:00 Introductions Motivation and History behind T-ASE, Status Quo, Q&A 2:00-3:00 Automation Science and Engineering Research Snapshots New Problems/Technologies/Application Areas 3:00-4:00 Breakout Sessions: Open Research Problems / Ideas for T-ASE Special Issues 4:00-5:00 Reports from Breakout Sessions Open Discussion, Future Plans 5:00Adjourn

3 Automation Science and Engineering: the abstractions, algorithms, theory, methodologies, models, systems, and case studies that can be applied across industries to significantly advance efficiency, quality, productivity, and reliability for society.

4 New Applications Areas * : Biotechnology and Health Food Handling and Processing Service Industries Transportation, Security, and Maintenance * In addition to traditional broad ranging manufacturing areas.

5 Scope ofT-ASE The IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE) publishes fundamental papers on Automation, emphasizing scientific results that advance efficiency, quality, productivity, and reliability. T-ASE encourages interdisciplinary approaches from computer science, control systems, electrical engineering, mathematics, mechanical engineering, operations research, and other fields. We welcome results relevant to industries such as agriculture, biotechnology, healthcare, home automation, maintenance, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, retail, security, service, supply chains, and transportation. T-ASE addresses a research community willing to integrate knowledge across disciplines and industries. For this purpose, each paper shall include a Note to Practitioners that summarizes how its results can be applied or how they might be extended to apply in practice.



8 n users 1 pan, tilt, zoom robotic camera Open problem: shared camera control

9 Example input: 7 requested frames:

10 One Optimal Frame Co-opticon Problem: Given n requests, find optimal frame

11 Open Problems Continuous zoom (m=  ) Multiple outputs: –p cameras –p views from one camera Obstacle Avoidance Satellite viewpoint scheduling

12 Bulky Complex Multilateral Dedicated, Expensive Long Lead time Designed by human intuition Conventional Fixtures

13 N-2-1 approach Cai et al, 1996. Decoupling beam elements Shiu et al, 1997. Manipulation of sheet metal part Kavraki et al, 1998. Deformable parts

14 Examples

15 Open Problems Efficient coverage: machining, lawn mowing, vacuuming, painting Layered Mfg: optimal casting direction Optimal Cloth Cutting CAD modeling: robust CSG operations Tolerance Modeling Gripper Design Feeder Design

16 Open Problems Voting Machine Design Baggage Handling Automated Toll Booths: eg, Fastrack RFID tag placement Machine Vision/Inspection


18 Open problem: Radiotherapy Dosimetry Planning

19 Prostate Cancer 2 nd deadliest cancer for men 220,900 new cases will be diagnosed, 28,900 men will die this year in the US MR image of prostate 3.5cm diameter

20 Permanent Seed Prostate Brachytherapy Radiotherapy for treating prostate cancer Radioactive seeds implanted in prostate Seed implantation plan developed using static pre-operation image

21 Seed Implantation Challenges Seeds implanted using a minimally invasive procedure Accurate seed placement  better patient treatment (Ultrasound, Sagittal plane)

22 Challenges for Accurate Seed Placement Needle insertion causes soft tissue to displace & deform Real-time imaging is often not available or poor quality

23 12 Random Target Points Placements without planning Placement errors average 20% of prostate diameter Placements using planner Seed placement error was negligible

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