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ITEC 352 Computer Organization Dr. Ray Lecture 1.

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Presentation on theme: "ITEC 352 Computer Organization Dr. Ray Lecture 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITEC 352 Computer Organization Dr. Ray Lecture 1

2 Introduction Outline Introduction The course Electricity Next steps

3 Introduction On a scale of 1-10 how interested are you in learning how the hardware inside of a computer works? Describe the process for how software written in a language like Java causes computer hardware to work What do you want to learn in this class? Share answers with neighbor, then the class

4 Introduction Brainstorm List different components inside of computers What connects to what

5 Introduction Syllabus MWF Lectures Office Hours 10:00 AM M-F Website D2L for submission Projects Homework Exams

6 Introduction Electricity What all can we do with electricity? –Video Why was electricity chosen as the foundation for computers?

7 Introduction Evolution 0 and 1

8 Introduction Steps Mathematics (pure theory) Mechanics (Blaise Pascal / Babbage) War –What is it good for? Electrical inventions –Transistors –Integrated circuits Von Neumann model

9 Introduction Next time Low level components

10 Introduction Summary Short day Electricity Evolution

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