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1 7th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen / Deuterium Loaded Metals Closing Remarks William Collis Wednesday 17 October 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "1 7th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen / Deuterium Loaded Metals Closing Remarks William Collis Wednesday 17 October 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 7th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen / Deuterium Loaded Metals Closing Remarks William Collis Wednesday 17 October 2007

2 2 Alessando Marmigi In hospital since Tuesday His condition is comfortable He’s been a great help to the Workshop We wish him a speedy recovery.

3 3 Publication Collect DVD-Rs or USB memory keys Contributed material will NOT be posted to the until 7 November so you have 2 weeks to modify (or withdraw) your

4 4 Conference Proceedings Submission Deadline: January 1, 2008 Send to YOU SHOULD RECEIVE A RESPONSE. PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU NOT. Include an abstract of one or two short paragraphs. There will be a printed edition and an optional on-line edition at ISCMNS. Printed edition page limit is 8. On-line edition no page limit. Any word processor format is fine: Microsoft Word, Revtex, etc. Do not send in Acrobat format. Don’t worry about format, fonts, page size, etc. We will take care of that.

5 5 Editing Options Editors are Peter Mobberley and Jed Rothwell. We will ask you what level of editing you prefer: 1.No changes. We print the paper verbatim. 2.Minor changes, to fix spelling errors and the like. 3.Extensive editing as needed, such as rewriting and reorganizing paragraphs. Apply NIST standards for units, etc.

6 6 Last minute Appeal! Please let me have your digital photographs. We can transfer them by cable or by card reader

7 7 Forthcoming Meetings. ICCF-14 The Conference will be held in Washington, DC 10-15 August 2008. Chairman: David Nagel. Website:

8 8 Forthcoming Meetings. ICCF-15 The Conference will be held in Italy, possibly in Sicily 2009 or 2010 Chairman: Bill Collis Website:

9 9 A 9 th International Workshop? Where? When? 2008? Frascati? Catania? Asti? Lombardia? Abroad? Russia Marseilles? Make your proposal!

10 10 Activities this evening Vote the best paper! 20:00 Dinner. Bronze Medal.

11 11 Donation to ISCMNS The Executive Committee would like to thank George Miley for a donation to the Society. ** THANK YOU! **

12 12 The floor is open Any questions? Any suggestions Any discussion?

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