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07/10/99 Focus Meeting1 Review of application software services for LHC era Lucia Silvestris Lucia Silvestris Cern/CMC -Infn/Bari.

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Presentation on theme: "07/10/99 Focus Meeting1 Review of application software services for LHC era Lucia Silvestris Lucia Silvestris Cern/CMC -Infn/Bari."— Presentation transcript:

1 07/10/99 Focus Meeting1 Review of application software services for LHC era Lucia Silvestris Lucia Silvestris Cern/CMC -Infn/Bari

2 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting2 Sources and Contributions ` Presentations at last RD45 workshop ` Presentations at the LHC++ meetings ` Presentations at last LCB Workshop ` Experiments’ Web pages ` Focus on ` LHC experiments’ prototypes ` IT services for LHC

3 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting3 ALICE - Simulation and Reconstruction Framework ` Simulation and reconstruction framework fully integrated in ROOT (ALIROOT) ALICE Algorithms ROOT data structures Root Visual Geom DataBase GEANT3 transport GEANT4 transport FLUKA transport Root I/O Objy I/O Root UI Recons Analysis

4 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting4 ALICE - Mass Storage Project (ALICE/IT) ` Will be used in Test Beams (2000) Mockup Data Challenge done: 7 TB in seven days ` Use HPSS and/or CASTOR for file management Gbit Ether 9x5MB/s HPSS 3(5)x5.5MB/s LDC Experiment Computer Centre LDClocal data collector GDCglobal data collector GDC | ROOT GDC | DATE

5 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting5 ATLAS Used Objectivity in several test-bed applications: ` HCAL test-beam ` Serve as a testbed for ATLAS software strategies and technologies ` Planned since March 1999; Testbeam period was 7-21 July 1999 ` ATLFAST++ ` porting of ATLFAST++ algorithms into LHC++ environment ` provide to MONARC Project an easy way to populate database with events similar at those expected at LHC

6 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting6 ATLAS - 1TB Milestone (ATLAS/IT) ` 1TB Milestone (HPSS used as MSS) ` Wrote 1 TB of simulated raw data (jet production digits) to Objy databases stored in HPSS ` Learning from this: Setting up a system to “stage” Zebra data sets into Objy databases for people to work with (Performances optimization need to be done) ` Plan to use Objectivity in future test-beams and MonteCarlo reconstruction ` The application framework will provide a “database” independent interface

7 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting7 CMS - Software Components

8 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting8 CMS - Analysis and Reconstruction Framework ` Objectivity is fully integrated in the Analysis and Reconstruction Framework (CARF) ` CARF manages transactions, physical clustering and the whole persistent object structure and its relations with the transient structure ` users access persistent objects through C++ pointers ` CARF takes care of pinning ` Prototype using Objectivity during ‘97 and ‘98 ` Production using Objectivity in 1999 ` Test Beam DAQ ` Monte Carlo (GEANT3) reconstruction

9 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting9 CMS - Raw Data Server and DB Populator VME Readout E’Net Readout PCI Readout Other Readout Generic Farm Interface Standardized interface Raw Data Server DAQ-Control System Server Backend Process Test Beam SpecificCMS wideGeneric part (with user specific adaptations) OODBMS Data Store Thread Data Filter Thread Event Token Queue Workers

10 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting10 CMS - Objectivity Central Data Recording (CMS/IT) DB1DB2DB3DBnDB1DB2DB3DBn RunDB LogDB BConfDB Prod ProdFD Prod Boot Offline - cmsc01 Clone FD Online Prod Boot Prod ProdFD LogDB BConfDB RunDB

11 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting11 CMS - Data Taking and Data Analysis ` During 1999 we have stored a total of ~800 GB into Objectivity/HPSS. The average data transfer is ~900 KB/sec. ` Now it’s running a Tracker Testbeam and we will collected ~ 150GB. ` In the next weeks will start also the first Reconstruction Production for the Muon and Jets Analysis Groups (~500 GB). ` The G3 and the TestBeam reconstruction is done using CARF. For the Analysis we use hbook and n-tuples.

12 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting12 LHCb ` LHCb application framework (GAUDI) is independent from persistent technology ` Several technologies should be available simultaneously: Objy, ROOT (TestBeams), ZEBRA (MC),... ` Peaceful coexistence: freedom without anarchy ` Manage its own application caches (data services) specialized in ` event data, detector data, statistical data ` Provides abstract interface for user provided converters

13 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting13 LHCb - Event Persistent Data OutputStream Transient Event Store Event Data Service Persistency Service Sicb data Files Algorithm SicbCnvSvc RootCnvSvc Root data Files Converter Sicb/Zebra Root I/O OutputStream AppManager

14 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting14 LHCb - Detector Database time Version A Version B Calibration Version B Version A Alignment Version C Version B Version A Geometry Version C Snapshot for detector data items valid for the currently processed event. (Simplified view) Environment “Calibration Database” project based on BaBar’s conditions database  HEPODBMS/conditions DB

15 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting15 LHCb - Statistical Data ` Manages histograms (HTL based) and histogram directories ` Output currently to HBOOK RZ file ` Data conversion fairly trivial ` Adopt what is needed for the commonly used viewers ` JAS ` PAW ` ROOT `...

16 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting16 COMPASS ` Farm core ` Data servers ` Input/Output lines ` Online + CDR ` byte-stream ` Disk Pool ` byte-stream (from online via CDR) ` Objectivity/DB ` CPU clients ` via servers (AMS) ` File transfer ` Tape servers ` HSM 1 2 3 4

17 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting17 Database Production Service - What is available? ` Production Lock and Federation Servers ` a given host can only run one lock or AMS server though these support multiple federations. A client accesses a federation through a local bootfile which points to the lock server and location of the federation master file. ` The IT DataBase Production Service provides small but secure hosts as production lock and federation servers for Atlas, CMS-Ecal, Compass and NA45. The servers are identical Sun Ultra 5 with 64MB memory and mirrored external 9GB disks for storing the server files.

18 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting18 Database Production Service - What is available? ` CDR data services ` Different experiments have chosen different architectures ` CMS testbeams will create database files in federations local to the DAQ systems. Files will be copied via rfcp to Unix file systems on central Sun data servers and added into local federations from where they will be analysed by local processes (no AMS usage). The files (a total of 2TB is expected over 6 months) are copied into HPSS via rfcp. Later recall will be via the AMS/HPSS to other CMS servers.

19 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting19 Database Production Service - What is available? ` Atlas tilebeam will probably repeat last year where primary CDR is to zebra files later converted to Objectivity databases on ATLOBJ02. Total volume will only be 100GB. However they are interested in WAN access to USA so will explore either remote connection to a CERN AMS or remote replication (probably ftp rather Objectivity WAN functionality). ` Compass ` small amount of data this year (maybe 1TB) during 3 week run in September but extensive testing to be done.

20 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting20 Database Production Service - What is missing? ` Transparent non-blocking interface with MSS ` User capability to: ` export, extract, replicate data and schema ` manipulate data and schema outside production database and while accessing data and schema from production database ` Fully functional, reliable high-quality database system including ` VLDB support (>>1PB) ` management tools

21 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting21 Database Production Service - Objectivity/DB V5.2 V5.2 contains main HEP enhancements: ` HPSS interface ` multi-threaded AMS ` (plus numerous SLAC enhancements) ` security hooks, AMS collectives, defer protocol, opaque protocol etc. ` VLDB (postponed)  Originally foreseen for December 1998  Release schedule (end of September 1999)

22 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting22 Licensing and Distribution for LHC++ Licenses valid at CERN and outside institutes for work on CERN Research Programme ` For outside sites ` (over 100 sites now registered) The installation procedure (for the outside sites) is well described in the web pages.  The procedure for the outside sites could be easier if it’s possible access the libraries directly from the afs tree.

23 07/10/99L.Silvestris Focus Meeting23 Licensing and Distribution for LHC++ ` The LHC++ Release is done every month. ` The last release is “Sept99” and includes: ` Objectivity ` ObjectSpace ` HepODBMS ` HTL (Histogram Template Library) ` Gemini/HepFitting ` CLHEP ` NAG_C  Why Geant4 is not included in the official LHC++ release?

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