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 Episodic Memory  Procedural Memory-  Amygdala  Hippocampus.

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Presentation on theme: " Episodic Memory  Procedural Memory-  Amygdala  Hippocampus."— Presentation transcript:


2  Episodic Memory  Procedural Memory-

3  Amygdala  Hippocampus

4  Note: Working Memory is the same as short term memory  Echoic Memory

5  Maintenance Rehearsal – increase short term memory to 30 seconds more  State Dependent Memory

6  The ability to maintain exact detailed visual memories over a significant period of time.  Eidetic Memory


8  Retrograde Amnesia  Anterograde Amnesia

9  Suppression

10  Decay Theory – If you Don’t use it – you lose it

11  Method Of loci Knowing where things are located or placed

12  Based on his research forgetting curve research using unfamiliar information you will forget it within 1 hour.

13  Algorithm – Instructions for paper Paper airplane

14  Representative Heuristic – Schema

15 Convergent thinkers vs. Divergent Thinkers

16  Functional Fixedness

17  Confirmation Bias

18  Availability Heuristic

19  Over regularization

20  It is a technique used at least since the 1950s as a creativity tool, most frequently mentioned in engineering books on design methods. Means-Ends Analysis is also a way to clarify one's thoughts when embarking on a mathematical proof.

21  Framing

22  Noam Chomsky= We are born with an innate mental grammar leading to the ability to speak language.

23  Know the difference between short term and long term memory  Semantic memory  Recalling & phonemes  Information processing model; what is the correct order?  Primacy effect, recency effect  Chunking  Why do eyewitnesses get it wrong? People may be asked misleading questions.  Why do people forget?

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