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4 Main Organic Compounds. Why do athletes consume protein shakes / powders after a workout? PROTEIN DOES NOT GIVE YOU ENERGY!!! This is why it is consumed.

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Presentation on theme: "4 Main Organic Compounds. Why do athletes consume protein shakes / powders after a workout? PROTEIN DOES NOT GIVE YOU ENERGY!!! This is why it is consumed."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 Main Organic Compounds

2 Why do athletes consume protein shakes / powders after a workout? PROTEIN DOES NOT GIVE YOU ENERGY!!! This is why it is consumed AFTER a workout, not before! Protein is the basic building material for living things – that includes muscles. After a workout, there are tiny microscopic tears in the muscles... a meal in protein will help rebuild those muscles! Amoeba Sisters

3 II. How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements? A. Carbohydrates Monosaccharides are organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio. Many monosaccharides bond together forming a larger compound chain called a carbohydrate (polysaccharide).

4 II. How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements? A. Carbohydrates In plants the monosaccharide called glucose (C6H12O6) bonds with other glucose molecules again and again to form starch or cellulose. Cracker

5 II. How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements? A. Carbohydrates The plant can use starch as food (like the “white” or a potato) and cellulose to build the stem and leaves.

6 II. How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements? A. Carbohydrates In animals excess glucose bond together to form a compound (similar to starch) called glycogen which is used for short-term energy storage (or long-term energy use). Glycogen is found in the liver and muscles.

7 Examples: Monosaccharide  Glucose  Fructose (in fruit)  Galactose Disaccharide  Sucrose (table sugar)  Lactose (milk sugar) Polysaccharide  Starch (in plants)  Cellulose (in plants)  Glycogen (in animals)

8 1. Energy is released when carbohydrates are digested. This is because glucose is used for cellular respiration. Functions of carbohydrates

9 Monosaccharides (simple sugars) provide an immediate energy source (short-term energy use) Starch and glycogen are considered short term energy storages (or long-term energy use) because these chemicals can be broken down over a period of minutes, hours or days to provide glucose for energy. Functions of carbohydrates

10 2. Some carbohydrates are very stable and can be used for structure and support in the cell and body (cellulose in the cell wall of plant cells). Functions of carbohydrates

11 3. Carbohydrate chains on the surface of cell membranes are used as identifiers (like name tags). Functions of carbohydrates

12 Fill It In … 3 functions of carbohydrates: 1. 2. 3.

13 Benedicts solution: simple sugar (monosaccaride). Glucose, fructose, galactose Benedict's solution is used to test for simple carbohydrates. Benedict's solution is a blue colored liquid that contains copper ions.

14 Iodine: Complex Sugar (polysaccaride) Starch

15 How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements? B. Lipids There are several types of lipids, but all contain subunits of glycerol and fatty acids made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It is different from a carbohydrate because of the ratio and because the smaller units do not link together to form a chemical chain

16 Fill It In … Drawing of lipid subunit:

17 How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements? B. Lipids Fats can be saturated (usually solid at room temperature) or unsaturated (usually liquid). Phospholipids also contain a phosphate group and make up most of the cell membrane. Steroids are lipid rings and help regulate the organism through cell communication (act as hormones)

18 1. Because of the numerous bonds and the way the body stores lipids, they can be used as very long-term (weeks, months) energy sources. (energy storage) Ex. Bears accumulate a layer of fat before winter (when food will be less available) Functions of lipids

19 2. Fats stored in the body act as insulation and protection for internal organs. Functions of lipids

20 3. Some hormones are composed of lipids (steroids). Functions of lipids

21 Fill It In … 3 functions of lipids: 1. 2. 3.

22 Lipid Test: Brown Bag

23 Check Yourself! 1. What three elements make up both carbohydrates and lipids? 2. What function(s) do both carbohydrates and lipids provide? 3.What is the subunit of both starch and glycogen? 4. What are the two subunits found in all lipids?

24 Check Yourself! 1. What three elements make up both carbohydrates and lipids? CHO 2. What function(s) do both carbohydrates and lipids provide? 3.What is the subunit of both starch and glycogen? 4. What are the two subunits found in all lipids?

25 Check Yourself! 1. What three elements make up both carbohydrates and lipids? CHO 2. What function(s) do both carbohydrates and lipids provide? ENERGY USE & ENERGY STORAGE 3.What is the subunit of both starch and glycogen? 4. What are the two subunits found in all lipids?

26 Check Yourself! 1. What three elements make up both carbohydrates and lipids? CHO 2. What function(s) do both carbohydrates and lipids provide? ENERGY USE & ENERGY STORAGE 3.What is the subunit of both starch and glycogen? GLUCOSE (MONOSACCHARIDE) 4. What are the two subunits found in all lipids?

27 Check Yourself! 1. What three elements make up both carbohydrates and lipids? CHO 2. What function(s) do both carbohydrates and lipids provide? ENERGY USE & ENERGY STORAGE 3.What is the subunit of both starch and glycogen? GLUCOSE (MONOSACCHARIDE) 4. What are the two subunits found in all lipids? GLYCEROL & FATTY ACIDS

28 II. How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements? A. Nucleic Acids Nucleotides are compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus. Many nucleotides bond together to make up a long chain called a nucleic acid. There are two basic types of nucleic acids:

29 II. How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements? DNA is a double chain of nucleotides found in all living cells. RNA is a single chain of nucleotides that provides the structures needed for the cell to make proteins.

30 1. DNA makes up the genes. Genes determine traits, such as hair color. Genes are passed from parent to offspring. Functions of nucleic acids

31 2. DNA controls cellular activities by controlling the production of proteins in response to hormones and other cellular signals. Functions of nucleic acids

32 3. RNA is used in the production of proteins. Functions of nucleic acids

33 Fill It In … 3 Functions of Nucleic Acids: 1. 2. 3.

34 II.How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements? D. Proteins (made of CHON) All six essential elements may be used in the production of small subunits called amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids, each with a specific side chain of chemicals. Amino acids bond to other amino acids to form a long chain called a protein. These chains of amino acids fold into a particular shape. The shape of a protein will determine its function.

35 II.How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements? D. Proteins If a protein denatures (loses its shape) it can no longer function.

36 Fill It In … What happens when a protein “denatures”?

37 II.How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements? Hemoglobin is a protein shaped to hold oxygen for transport through the bloodstream.

38 II.How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements? A group of proteins called enzymes are shaped to fit and react with specific molecules.

39 1. Some proteins, called pigments, absorb and reflect light. They also create color by reflecting light.  Ex. Chlorophyll absorbs light to gather energy for photosynthesis, and reflects the color green Functions of proteins

40 2. Some proteins are constructed by cells to bind with and inactivate foreign particles in the body. These are called antibodies. Functions of proteins

41 3. Proteins may form structures in an organism – such as keratin (a protein) in hair and nails. Protein also makes muscle Functions of proteins

42 4. Some proteins are used for transport through the cell membrane or in the bloodstream (ex. hemoglobin) Functions of protein

43 5. Some proteins are used for communication between cells. These may be hormones (insulin) or neurotransmitters. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas and is required by the cells of the body in order for them to remove and use glucose from the blood. Insulin can be used to treat diabetes. Functions of protein

44 6. Enzymes (a special class of protein) act to speed up chemical reactions, helping to maintain homeostasis. Functions of protein

45 Protein: Biurets Buiret solution is a blue liquid that changes to purple when proteins are present and to pink in the presence of short chains of polypeptides. The copper atom of the biuret solution reacts with the peptide bonds to cause the color change.


47 Fill It In … Some specific types of proteins: 1. 2. 3. 4.

48 Check Yourself! 1. What is the subunit of a nucleic acid? 2. What is the function of DNA? 3. What is the subunit of proteins? 4. What determines the function of a protein? 5. Which protein carries oxygen? 6. Name three functions of proteins.

49 Check Yourself! 1. What is the subunit of a nucleic acid? NUCLEOTIDE 2. What is the function of DNA? 3. What is the subunit of proteins? 4. What determines the function of a protein? 5. Which protein carries oxygen? 6. Name three functions of proteins.

50 Check Yourself! 1. What is the subunit of a nucleic acid? NUCLEOTIDE 2. What is the function of DNA? GENETIC INFO/CONTROL CELL ACTIVITIES 3. What is the subunit of proteins? 4. What determines the function of a protein? 5. Which protein carries oxygen? 6. Name three functions of proteins.

51 Check Yourself! 1. What is the subunit of a nucleic acid? NUCLEOTIDE 2. What is the function of DNA? GENETIC INFO/CONTROL CELL ACTIVITIES 3. What is the subunit of proteins? AMINO ACID 4. What determines the function of a protein? 5. Which protein carries oxygen? 6. Name three functions of proteins.

52 Check Yourself! 1. What is the subunit of a nucleic acid? NUCLEOTIDE 2. What is the function of DNA? GENETIC INFO/CONTROL CELL ACTIVITIES 3. What is the subunit of proteins? AMINO ACID 4. What determines the function of a protein? SHAPE 5. Which protein carries oxygen? 6. Name three functions of proteins.

53 Check Yourself! 1. What is the subunit of a nucleic acid? NUCLEOTIDE 2. What is the function of DNA? GENETIC INFO/CONTROL CELL ACTIVITIES 3. What is the subunit of proteins? AMINO ACID 4. What determines the function of a protein? SHAPE 5. Which protein carries oxygen? HEMOGLOBIN 6. Name three functions of proteins.

54 Check Yourself! 1. What is the subunit of a nucleic acid? NUCLEOTIDE 2. What is the function of DNA? GENETIC INFO/CONTROL CELL ACTIVITIES 3. What is the subunit of proteins? AMINO ACID 4. What determines the function of a protein? SHAPE 5. Which protein carries oxygen? HEMOGLOBIN 6. Name three functions of proteins. PIGMENT, PROTECTION (ANTIBODIES), STRUCTURE, TRANSPORT, COMMUNICATION, REGULATION (ENZYMES)

55 Test for compounds

56 Benedicts solution: simple sugar (monosaccaride). Glucose, fructose, galactose Benedict's solution is used to test for simple carbohydrates. Benedict's solution is a blue colored liquid that contains copper ions.

57 Iodine: Complex Sugar (polysaccaride) Starch

58 Lipid Test: Brown Bag

59 Sudan Red test for lipids Sudan red is a fat-soluble dye that stains lipids red. Using Sudan red can show the amount and the location of lipids.

60 Protein: Biurets Buiret solution is a blue liquid that changes to purple when proteins are present and to pink in the presence of short chains of polypeptides. The copper atom of the biuret solution reacts with the peptide bonds to cause the color change.

61 Foldable (Standard)

62 Carbohydrates Function:  Quick ENERGY  Storage  Support +Test: 1. Benedicts- Complex Sugars 2. Iodine- Simple Sugars Examples:  Bread Pasta Honey Fruit Monomer  Glucose  Fructose Polymer  Starch  Cellulose  Glycogen

63 Lipid Function:  Long term ENERGY storage  Insulation +Test: Paper Bag Examples:  Oil  Butter  Mayo Monomer  Fatty Acid  Glycerol Polymer  Oil  Wax  Phospholipids

64 Nucleic Acid Function:  Genetic Information +Test:  In EVERYTHING! No test Examples:  DNA  RNA Monomer  Nucleotide Polymer  DNA  RNA

65 Protein Function:  Control Reactions +Test:  Biurets Examples:  ENZYMES  Insulin  Hemoglobin  Pigments  antibodies Monomer  Amino Acids Polymer Protein

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