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Lipids 11/04/10. –Many contain carbon chains called fatty acids (monomer). –Fats and oils contain fatty acids bonded to glycerol. –Do not dissolve in.

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Presentation on theme: "Lipids 11/04/10. –Many contain carbon chains called fatty acids (monomer). –Fats and oils contain fatty acids bonded to glycerol. –Do not dissolve in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lipids 11/04/10

2 –Many contain carbon chains called fatty acids (monomer). –Fats and oils contain fatty acids bonded to glycerol. –Do not dissolve in water. Lipids are nonpolar molecules that include fats, oils, and cholesterol.

3 Carbohydrate vs. Lipid Structure Carbohydrates have a larger number of O atoms than lipids Lipids have a higher number of C and H atoms

4 Fatty Acid – Draw this picture! Monomer of a lipid 2. Carboxyl group – polar (loves water) – outside of cell 1. Hydrocarbon chain – nonpolar (water fearing) – inside of cell

5 Lipids have several different functions. 1. broken down as a source of energy 2. make up cell membranes 3. used to make hormones

6 Triglyceride Made up of 3 fatty acids and one molecule of glycerol 1. Unsaturated fats - liquids at room temperature - Found primarily in plants (vegetable oils) 2. Saturated fats - solids at room temperature - Mainly from animal sources such as meat and dairy products

7 Saturated fatty acids – main dietary cause of high blood cholesterol Unsaturated fatty acids – may lower cholesterol

8 Phospholipids make up all cell membranes. 1. Polar phosphate “head” 2. Nonpolar fatty acid “tails” Phospholipid Copy down phospholipid structure!

9 Waxes Structural lipid that consists of one long fatty chain joined to an alcohol chain. – In plants and animals, waxes form a protective coating (waterproof) on the outer surfaces.

10 Steroids Four fused carbon rings with functional groups attached to them. – Examples - cholesterol is used by the body for various cell function including nerve conduction. TestosteroneProgesterone

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