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Roses That Climb S teve Jones, Chairman Program Services Committee 2005.

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1 Roses That Climb S teve Jones, Chairman Program Services Committee 2005

2 All Photos by Steve Jones © ARS, 2005

3 Roses As Climbers Roses are not true climbers Roses do not have tendrils to hang on to walls, trellises, etc. Prickles (thorns) are not for clinging Any large rose can be made into a climber Large Flowered Climbers Climbing sports

4 Large Flowered Climbers Official American Rose Society classification Usually repeat blooming Different colors, bloom size, fragrance, and hardiness AARS has a test class for climbers

5 Paul’s Scarlet Climber Once bloomer to 12 feet

6 New Dawn Good repeat, winter hardy, to 12 feet. First rose patent

7 Altissimo Good repeat bloom, to 10 feet, somewhat winter hardy

8 Berries N’ Cream Good repeat, very fragrant, excellent hot weather rose, almost thornless, somewhat hardy, to 12 feet

9 Eden (Pierre de Ronsard) Excellent arbor rose, fairly hardy, grows to 12 feet

10 Fourth Of July AARS winner, to 15 feet, winter hardy, good repeat bloom

11 Joseph’s Coat Grows to 10 feet, somewhat hardy

12 Dr. Huey Common rootstock, somewhat hardy, to 15 feet

13 Other Large Flowered Climbers Aloha America Blaze Clair Matin Dublin Bay Golden Showers Handel

14 Ramblers Rambler class changed by ARS in 1999 Now Hybrid Wichuranas or Hybrid Multifloras Usually once blooming Large climbers, all sizes and shapes Ideal for pergolas, ropes, trellises, pillars Most are winter hardy

15 American Pillar Vigorous, popular in Europe, grows to 25 feet, winter hardy

16 Newport Fairy Vigorous, to 30 feet, fragrant, not winter hardy

17 Bobbie James Very popular in Europe, vigorous to 20 feet, fragrant, winter hardy

18 Chevy Chase Vigorous, to 18 feet, winter hardy

19 Russelliana Multiflora rambler, very hardy, to 20 feet

20 Silver Moon Very vigorous, to 30 feet, winter hardy

21 Violette Vigorous, to 15 feet, winter hardy

22 Veilchenblau Vigorous, to 15 feet, almost thornless, somewhat hardy

23 The Garland Very vigorous, to 25 feet, winter hardy, very fragrant

24 Other Ramblers Alberic Barbier Appleblossom Bleu Magenta Debutante Dorothy Perkins Excelsa Jersey Beauty

25 Species The original “climbers” Most are once blooming Some of the largest roses Good for pergolas, trees, houses Usually are fragrant Mixed hardiness, most are hardy

26 Rosa mulliganii Vigorous, to 25 feet, very fragrant

27 Rosa banksiae lutea “Lady Banks”, vigorous, to 35 feet, white version largest rose in world, not winter hardy

28 Rosa moschata “Musk Rose”, very vigorous and fragrant, to 18 feet

29 Rosa multiflora carnea Very vigorous, to 35 feet, winter hardy

30 Rosa multiflora Very vigorous, naturalized in US, to 15 feet, fragrant, common rootstock

31 Rosa roxburghii “Chestnut Rose”, vigorous, to 15 feet, naturalized in US, winter hardy

32 Other Species Kiftsgate Rosa eglanteria Rosa hugonis “Father Hugo’s Rose” Rosa laevigata “Cherokee Rose” Rosa moyesii Rosa soulieana Rosa wichurana

33 Old Garden Roses Wide range of sizes and colors Some repeat bloomers Some large bushes, can be made into climbers Most are fragrant Been around for 100s of years

34 Reine des Violettes Very fragrant Hybrid Perpetual, grows to 12 feet, somewhat hardy

35 Mermaid Very vigorous, to 30 feet, repeat bloom, fragrant, wicked thorns, not winter hardy

36 Louise Odier Large Bourbon rose, to 12 feet as climber, repeat bloom, not winter hardy

37 Stanwell Perpetual Large Hybrid Spinosissima, can be trained as climber to 15 feet, fragrant, winter hardy

38 Sombreuil Climbing Tea, vigorous, to 20 feet, fragrant, top show rose, repeat blooms, somewhat winter hardy

39 Zephirine Drouhin Climbing Bourbon, to 12 feet, very fragrant, almost thornless, not winter hardy

40 Other Old Garden Roses Baronne Prevost Hugh Dickson Mme Hardy Mme Isaac Pereire Mme Pierre Oger Reine Victoria Ulrich Brunner

41 Noisettes Climbers from 8-20+ feet Good repeat bloom, especially in fall Some fragrant, generally mild Most are not winter hardy, but can be grown in cold areas with protection Lots of colors, blooms in clusters, small or large blooms Only class created in United States

42 Celine Forestier Popular Noisette, to 12 feet

43 Alister Stella Gray Grows to 18 feet

44 Mme Alfred Carriere One of the shorter Noisettes, to 10 feet, good pillar rose

45 Aimee Vibert Lax growing Noisette to 12 feet

46 Nastarana Short Noisette, to 8 feet, very fragrant

47 Crepuscule Grows to 12 feet

48 Other Noisettes Blush Noisette Champneys Pink Cluster Jaune Deprez Jeanne d’Arc Lamarque Marechal Neil Reve d’Or

49 Hybrid Musks Good repeat bloom, especially in fall Good fragrance Most are winter hardy Usually blooms in small clusters Blooms small to large Wide color range

50 Nur Mahal Vigorous, to 12 feet, fragrant

51 Moonlight Vigorous, to 12 feet, very fragrant

52 Penelope Vigorous, to 15 feet, very fragrant

53 Will Scarlett Vigorous, to 12 feet, fragrant

54 Lavender Lassie Very vigorous, to 20 feet, fragrant

55 Kathleen G rows to 12 feet, fragrant

56 Skyrocket One of the shorter Hybrid Musks, to 8 feet

57 Other Hybrid Musks Buff Beauty Cornelia Danae Nymphenburg Prosperity Secret Garden Vanity

58 Shrubs - Other Most shrubs can be made into a climber Full list of colors, shapes, sizes Most are winter hardy Most have good repeat bloom Most versatile of all roses

59 Sally Holmes Large shrub or 12 foot climber, popular climber, top show rose, good repeat bloom, winter hardy

60 Flutterbye Vigorous, to 12 feet, good repeat bloom

61 Alchymist Large, to 20 feet, once bloomer, fragrant

62 Royal Pageant Harkness Shrub, small climber to 10 feet, fragrant

63 Montecito Very vigorous, to 50 feet, large blooms, once bloomer

64 Sea Foam Very vigorous, to 15 feet, repeat bloom

65 Dortmund Kordesii, to 10 feet, very winter hardy

66 Constance Spry First Austin England Rose, to 15 feet, once bloomer

67 Evelyn One of the largest English Roses, to 12 feet, very fragrant

68 Other Shrubs Belinda’s Dream Golden Wings Graham Thomas John Cabot Leander Nevada William Baffin

69 Other Climbing Sports Most are genetic sports of bush counterparts The climbing sports of most roses do not repeat well, typically 1-2 flushes per year Some climbing roses do not have bush counterparts, such as Aloha and High Noon Blooms generally like the bush counterpart Many different color sports

70 Cl. Cecile Brunner

71 Cl. Souvenir de la Malmaison Climbing Bourbon, to 15 feet, fragrant, repeat blooms, not winter hardy

72 Cl. Pinkie

73 Cl. Iceberg

74 Cl. Perle des Jardins Climbing Tea rose, to 15 feet, not winter hardy

75 Climbing Miniature Roses Just like large climbers, but smaller in all dimensions Can be as tall as small climbers Good repeat bloom Some winter hardy Great for pillars, arches

76 Candy Cane Grows to 7 feet, an older Miniature Climber

77 Jeanne Lajoie Grows to 12 feet, a popular Miniature Climber

78 Hi Ho Grows to 8 feet

79 Red Cascade Grows to 6 feet, great as a groundcover

80 The End An Official ARS Program

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