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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Simplify And Evaluate SolvingInequalities Absolute.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Simplify And Evaluate SolvingInequalities Absolute."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Simplify And Evaluate SolvingInequalities Absolute Value Word Problems

2 5 + 3 × 4 ÷ 2

3 11

4 8 – 11(3 – 4x) – 7(5x – 9)

5 9x + 38

6 -3(x 2 – 2) – 2(2x 2 – 1)

7 -7x 2 + 8

8 Evaluate if x = -1 and y = 3 -4xy + 2x 2

9 14

10 Evaluate if a = -3, b = 2, and c = -1 2a 2 – (4b + c)

11 11

12 Solve for “k” k + m = w h

13 k = wh - m

14 Solve for “h” SA = 2  rh + 2B

15 SA – 2B 2∏r

16 y = x 2 + xz Solve for z:

17 5(y – x 2 ) x z =


19 k = 5 {5}

20 3(x + 2) = 8(x – 1) +5

21 x = 9/5 {9/5}

22 Solve and Graph -5y + 6 ≤ 26

23 y ≥ 4 Graph: closed circle on 4, shaded to the right.

24 Solve and Graph 2(x – 4) < 8

25 x < 8 Graph: open circle on 8, shaded to the left.

26 Solve and Graph 4 – x < 2x + 1

27 x > 1 Graph: open circle on 1, shaded to the right.

28 Solve and Graph –16  -3x + 8  -7

29 8 > x > 5 Graph: open circles on 5 and 8, shaded in between.

30 Solve and Graph -2 > x + 1 OR 2x > 6

31 x 3 Graph: open circle on -3 and shaded left; closed circle on 3 and shaded right.

32 Solve.

33 k = 3 ; k = -4 {3, -4}

34 Solve. | ½ x – 3| = 4

35 x = 14 or x = 2 { 14, 2}

36 Solve. |3x + 3| > 9

37 x > 2 or x < -4 Graph: open circle on 2 and shaded right; open circle on -4 and shaded left

38 Solve and Graph |4 – 2x| > 8

39 x 6 Graph: Closed circle on -2 and shaded to the left. Closed circle on 6 and shaded to the right.

40 Solve and Graph | 4x – 5 | < 5

41 0 < x < 5/2 Graph: open circle on 0 and 5/2 (between 2 and 3); shaded in between.

42 You have $120 to purchase soda for a party. Each case of 24 bottles costs $5.99. Assuming there is no sales tax, how many cases can you purchase?

43 5.99x = 120 20 cases

44 A bag of lawn fertilizer claims that it will cover 5000 square feet of grass. If your yard is 27,500 square feet, how many bags of fertilizer will you need?

45 5000x = 27,500 6 bags

46 Jane’s cell phone plan is $40 per month plus $.15 per minute for each minute over 200 minutes of call time. If Jane’s cell phone bill is $58.00, for how many total minutes did Jane have for her last bill?

47 40 +.15x = 58 320 minutes!! ( did you remember to add the “free” 200 minutes to your answer?)

48 A book club promises to send you 8 books for $1, if you join the club. After you receive the 8 books, you may select more books at a rate of $19.99 per book. If you spend a total of $80.96, how many extra books did you purchase?

49 19.99x = 79.96 4 extra books

50 Tickets for the DMB concert are $29.95 each (lawn seats!). Your family and a friend of yours go to the concert. There are five people in your family including yourself. How much will it cost for all of you to go?

51 5(29.95) + 29.95 = total cost family of 5 + 1 friend = total cost $179.70

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