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© 2007 Arkenford Ltd Hastings and 1066 Country Visitor Study Hastings Destination Profile.

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1 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Hastings and 1066 Country Visitor Study Hastings Destination Profile

2 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Background This presentation provides a detailed profile of visitors to Hastings Information is taken from the recently conducted Hastings & 1066 Visitor Study Main research included an online survey amongst 1153 respondents … 446 people were asked questions specific to Hastings This report includes this information including; –Overall awareness / perception –Profile of visitors –Visit drivers & motivations Analysis is conducted that compares visitors to specific destination to visitors to the region as a whole

3 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Overall Awareness High awareness of Hastings as a destination –65% of all respondents aware / visited Also high % will consider / have visited 33% visited in the –Only 7% would not consider a visit The more local, the higher the awareness That said, even though they are aware, some locals do not visit; – 8% of people from West Sussex would not consider a visit

4 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Visitor Profiles The age profile of visitors to Hastings is slightly lower than for the region as a whole Surprisingly for a seaside town, less families are attracted than for the rest of the region Younger profile means that visitors tend to be co-habiting as couples / houseshares

5 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Visitor Profiles London is a key catchment area Hastings also has a higher proportion of visitors from further afield than the region as a whole Key segments for Hastings are Cosmopolitans, High Street and Traditionals Also some Discoverers, although this group (and Traditionals) are as likely to visit the wider region

6 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Trip Profile Majority of respondents visited as part of a day trip Lower proportion stayed 1-3 nights than for the region as a whole However, higher proportion stayed for 4 + nights Majority travelled to Hastings by car That said, higher proportion visited by train or coach than for the rest of the region

7 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Trip Profile Recommendation / Previous Experiences are key influences on decision to visit Brochures and guidebooks currently have a higher influence than websites Visitors to Hastings most likely to be staying in B&B / Guesthouse accommodation or on a holiday park Lower proportion stay with family and friends than is recorded for the rest of the region

8 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Activities Undertaken Hastings offers a range of activities that visitors undertake; The beach is a key hook Visitors more likely to visit heritage attractions as opposed to artistic attractions They also enjoy the general ambience / eating out offered in Hastings

9 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Destination Drivers The chart above indicates the reasons that are most likely to drive choice of destination –Convenience and familiarity are key drivers –Also the Scenery on offer Nightlife, Evening entertainment / shopping are less likely to have an impact on choice to visit

10 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Destination offers … Heritage / History and nostalgia are perceived as key strengths of the destination Scenery / Architecture also have positive connections Food does feature positively … traditional fish a chips as well as local produce and gourmet pubs and restaurants Little positive connection with the nightlife or retail offer

11 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Destination is … Location of Hastings is positive … both as a place that is accessible but also as a base to explore the surrounding area Perception is that Hastings offers something for the whole family … more so than a place for older people or couples A third of respondents perceive Hastings to be a year round destination Whilst it is not perceived as being expensive, it is still not widely regarded as offering good value for money

12 © 2007 Arkenford Ltd Hastings versus Region Hastings is seen as more accessible and family-centric than the rest of the region It is also perceived as being more ‘touristy’ There is a perception that there is a higher quality feel about the rest of the region The Traditional Seaside offer more likely to be associated with Hastings that for the rest of the region

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