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Peter McInerney Principal 3D-Ag  More than just your production system = Physical, financial and human elements of the farm business AND how they interrelate.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter McInerney Principal 3D-Ag  More than just your production system = Physical, financial and human elements of the farm business AND how they interrelate."— Presentation transcript:


2 Peter McInerney Principal 3D-Ag

3  More than just your production system = Physical, financial and human elements of the farm business AND how they interrelate 3D-Ag

4  People – the skills and motivation they bring to management 3D-Ag


6 3D-Ag

7 ? 2006 2007 2008 Everyone knows a good season follows a drought! 2009 Where’s your thinking this year

8 ►Production ►Weather ►Finance ►Price volatility ►Management ►Other issues

9 8 3D-Ag

10 9

11  Have clearly defined goals and objectives of all involved in the business  Be able to step back and view your business as a whole  Develop a plan with agreed targets & timetable If necessary get outside help to facilitate the process, clarify issues and ensure objectivity 3D-Ag

12 by things you can’t control & as a result … 3D-Ag

13  Robust whole farm system ◦ Sound rotation / soil & water management  High quality pastures, animals & grazing management  Complementary crops  Rejuvenation phase / stubble retention  Integrated weed management ◦ Targeted program  Inputs matched to anticipated production / quality  Non price linked products

14 Accounts for 95% of the variance in profit! 3D-Ag

15 Management gap Actual yield Product Yield Available moisture Minimise 3D-Ag


17  Realistically assess potential ◦ Paddock by paddock and the farm as a whole ◦ Resources - management, funds, tools and technology Consider the impacts of previous seasons on fertility, weed spectrum, profile moisture, management’s outlook - as it affects the coming season’s potential 3D-Ag

18  Appropriate crop and pasture sequences that: 1. optimise productive potential 2. minimise agronomic risk - balance 3. have a ‘moderate’ but appropriate cost structure “80% of farms” are currently not meeting these objectives! 3D-Ag


20  Soil health – structure, fertility, biology ◦ The role of:  Rotation – diversity of species, root type  Groundcover / stubble retention  Compaction / grazing management  IPM 3D-Ag

21  Profitable quality crops and pastures  Complementary species – a mix of plant species / types, root systems to manage: ◦ disease and weed issues, reducing reliance on chemicals; and ◦ produce ‘free’ nitrogen 3D-Ag

22  Inputs targeted to expected yields - how low can you go? Consider …  What has been your standard rate?  What is the trend in levels over recent years?  Can you afford that new machinery / technology upgrade? Can you afford not to? 3D-Ag

23 Law of unintended consequences Beware the backfire - cost cutting that could cost $$ in a good season. 3D-Ag

24  Target quality as well as yield – crop and varietal selection  Know your true cost of production  Develop a selling strategy  Review crop, weather & market signals regularly 3D-Ag

25 Minimum Crop Estimates (MCE) MCE = The likely yield (i.e. how much product you have to sell) in a worst case scenario. 3D-Ag

26 Potential Yield MCE t/ha Moisture 1st Apr1st Jun1st Aug1st Oct 010%20%60% Wheat 5.5 x 00.551.103.30 Canola 2.7 x 00.270.541.62 0010%30% Wheat 5.5 x 000.551.65 Canola 2.7 x 000.270.81

27 1.The tools/methods used to crunch the numbers… 2.How specific is the information used - be wary of assumptions - be wary of assumptions 3.Does ambition match ability 3D-Ag When forecasting results - consider

28  Typical gross margin – Wheat  Income 2.5 t @ $180 $450 A. Total income $/ha $450  Variable costs ◦ Seed and fertilizer $73 ◦ Herbicides $45 ◦ Operations $122 B. Total variable costs $/ha $240 Gross margin (A – B) $/ha$210 3D-Ag

29  in a continuous crop business ◦ Costs divided by ha of each enterprise or crop  in a mixed business - for simplicity ◦ treat crop and animal enterprises separately 3D-Ag

30  Graze - additional animal product - opportunity to manage pastures for higher quality and longevity Ability to - spell pastures - manipulate weed populations  and Grain 3D-Ag

31 Narrow leaf lupins H1 wheat Actual farmer result $300$303 D I I (NSW) $257$300 3D-Ag What’s the difference?

32 3D-Ag

33 Wheat gross margin 2010 per ha Variable machinery costs only Decile 3 $11-$10 Decile 5 $236$215 Decile 7 $461$440 3D-Ag Including cost of machinery ownership

34  Only variable costs included  Potential variability when assumptions are used - revenue … yield & price estimates 9 months in advance - expenses … non specific costs of machinery  The generic GM … ‘one size does not fit all’ 3D-Ag

35  Apportioning the other costs of doing business – so called ‘fixed costs’ ◦ Financing ◦ Capital ◦ Business ◦ Personal per ha / enterprise 3D-Ag

36 Gross margin to Variable machinery costs only Decile 3 $9,396-$8,474 Decile 5 $193,311$175,441 Decile 7 $377,226$359,356 3D-Ag Including cost of machinery ownership Net margin -$141,375 $42,540 $226,455

37  The latest technology or herbicide is NO substitute for management!  Sustainable profit comes from a robust system! Beware the ‘silver bullet’ sales pitch or generic GM… 3D-Ag

38  Recognise the skills lacking in your business and seek training or ‘employ’ the necessary help 3D-Ag

39 take care not to concentrate your focus on fixing one aspect of the farm business and end up SWAPPING ONE RISK FOR ANOTHER! 3D-Ag

40 Realistic plans Sound simple system Active focused management 3D-Ag Doing the essentials well and doing them on time!

41 Get the whole picture! 52 Fitzmaurice Street, Wagga Wagga Ph: 69239000

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