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Day 43 Investigation 8 part 4 Pressure Maps. Pressure Map of the US Weather maps are used by meteorologist Information is gathered from weather balloons,

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Presentation on theme: "Day 43 Investigation 8 part 4 Pressure Maps. Pressure Map of the US Weather maps are used by meteorologist Information is gathered from weather balloons,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 43 Investigation 8 part 4 Pressure Maps

2 Pressure Map of the US Weather maps are used by meteorologist Information is gathered from weather balloons, satellites, and other weather sources Air Pressure is very IMPORTANT

3 Pressure Maps and Isobars #’s represent atmosphere pressure in millibars Low Pressure High Pressure Lines are isobars Iso - same bar - pressure Connect all recording stations where the atmosphere pressure is the same

4 Low and High Pressure Readings Lowest Pressure 984 mb Highest Pressure 1032 mb

5 Which way does the wind blow? From Billings to Kansas City?From Kansas City to Billings? The wind blows from Kansas City to Billings

6 Which way does the wind blow? From Buffalo to Kansas City? From Kansas City to Buffalo? The wind blows from Kansas City to Buffalo

7 Isobar Intervals What is the difference between isobar lines? 1032 mb - 1028 mb = 4 mb Why is pressure difference between adjacent lines always the same but the distance is not? Shows how fast the pressure is changing

8 Isobar Intervals What do you think it means when the isobars lines are far apart? Gradual change in pressure What do you think it means when the isobar lines are close together Rapid change in pressure

9 Isobar Intervals Wind speed will be highest between two locations where isobars are close together What can the distance between isobars tell us about how fast the wind is blowing? Isobars are close together, pressure changes quickly from one location to another

10 High & low pressure on a weather map shows where air flows from  High-pressure to low-pressure  Air movement is called wind

11 Isobar Intervals High and Low pressure on a weather map shows us where air flows from areas of high pressure towards areas of low pressure The air movement is called wind

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