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Chapter 10. The Explorer System in Cognitive Systems, Christensen et al. 2 nd Part Course: Robots Learning from Humans Park, Seong-Beom Behavioral neurophysiology.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10. The Explorer System in Cognitive Systems, Christensen et al. 2 nd Part Course: Robots Learning from Humans Park, Seong-Beom Behavioral neurophysiology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10. The Explorer System in Cognitive Systems, Christensen et al. 2 nd Part Course: Robots Learning from Humans Park, Seong-Beom Behavioral neurophysiology lab Brain and Cognitive Science department, Seoul National University

2 Table of contents Planning Scenario: Find Object Real navigation of rats

3 Planning: explorer scenario should include Goals Motivation of action beliefs prior knowledge about object position and spatial relations actions Perceive and manipulation of environment

4 Planning: External actions and internal actions External(physical) actions Follow person Approach person Gain attention Move Object search Inform Internal action (e.g. processing) Conceptual Mapping subarchitecture e.g. query difault information, e.g. about where books are usually found.

5 Scenario: find object Initial Binding state Initialize current state, subjects and space robot, current area, person and so on Processing Utterance interpret the meaning of words “Me”, “Boland book” Motive Generation set the goal of action “(:goal (K motmon4 (perceived- position motmon6)))” in MAPL, where motmon4 is owner and motmon6 is the book Continual Plan Creation Determine sequence of action 1. Acknowledge command acceptance 2. Think where the book is. Search the position Tell the user the position of book. Plan execution and revision Do find the book When the robot is ordered by a user to “Find me the Boland book”, What should it do?

6 Real navigation system Hippocampus cells KNOW where I am. HOW? Two strategy : Cognitive map and path integration John O’keefe (Nobel prize winner)

7 Real Navigation system Path integration Calculate vector from it’s path way Direction, distance, speed information was need Cognitive map Calculate distance from anchor point (wall)


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