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Attachment Through the Life Course [Professor Name] [Class and Section Number]

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Presentation on theme: "Attachment Through the Life Course [Professor Name] [Class and Section Number]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Attachment Through the Life Course [Professor Name] [Class and Section Number]

2 Today’s Learning Objectives 1.Explain the way the attachment system works and its evolutionary significance. 2.Identify three commonly studied attachment patterns and what is known about the development of those patterns. 3.Describe what is known about the consequences of secure versus insecure attachment in adult relationships.

3 Warm Up  Think about a close personal relationship  Spend a few minutes writing about this relationship

4 Overview Attachment Theory: History and Core Concepts Individual Differences in Infant Attachment Antecedents Outcomes in Childhood Attachment in Adulthood Romantic Love as an Attachment Bond Finding a Partner Relationship Functioning What is the Relationship between Early Attachment and Adult Attachment?

5 Attachment Theory  Attachment figure  Attachment behaviors  Attachment behavioral system has adaptive value

6 Importance of Contact Comfort  Harry Harlow’s research asked: why do infants bond with their mothers? Harlow's Research

7 Overview Attachment Theory: History and Core Concepts Individual Differences in Infant Attachment Antecedents Outcomes in Childhood Attachment in Adulthood Romantic Love as an Attachment Bond Finding a Partner Relationship Functioning What is the Relationship between Early Attachment and Adult Attachment?

8 Individual Differences in Attachment Strange Situation  Developed by Mary Ainsworth  Assesses attachment style Assesses attachment style Three Styles:  Secure  Avoidant  Anxious-Resistant

9 Antecedents of Attachment Style Responsive Care Giving Secure Unresponsive to Child’s Needs Avoidant Inconsistently Responsive to Child’s Needs Anxious/ Resistant

10 Evaluate Your Attachment Style  What style of attachment bond did you form with your parents?  What kinds of experiences may lead to this attachment style?  Do you think this impacted your later relationships? Why or why not?

11 Applied Discussion  What advice would you give to parents who wish to ensure that their children form a secure attachment?

12 Overview Attachment Theory: History and Core Concepts Individual Differences in Infant Attachment Antecedents Outcomes in Childhood Attachment in Adulthood Romantic Love as an Attachment Bond Finding a Partner Relationship Functioning What is the Relationship between Early Attachment and Adult Attachment?

13 Childhood Outcomes Secure children likely to…  Have better peer relationships  Be better evaluated by teachers  Persist on challenging tasks Insecure (avoidant) children likely to…  Be classified as bullies  Have difficulty making and maintaining friendships

14 Overview Attachment Theory: History and Core Concepts Individual Differences in Infant Attachment Antecedents Outcomes in Childhood Attachment in Adulthood Romantic Love as an Attachment Bond Finding a Partner Relationship Functioning What is the Relationship between Early Attachment and Adult Attachment?

15 Romantic Relationships are Attachments

16 Three Styles of Attachment  Secure I find it relatively easy to get close to others and am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me. I don’t worry about being abandoned or about someone getting close to me.  Avoidant I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to others; I find it difficult to trust them completely, difficult to allow myself to depend on them. I am nervous when anyone gets too close, and often, others want me to be more intimate than I feel comfortable being.  Anxious/Resistant I find that others are reluctant to get as close as I would like. I often worry that my partner doesn’t really love me or won’t want to stay with me. I want to get very close to my partner, and this sometimes scares people away.

17 Attachment and Dating  Tendency to have a partner of similar style  Why?  Secure partners are attractive  Influence of partner

18 Impact on Relationship Functioning Higher security…  More satisfying relationships  Less conflict  More enduring relationships  More likely to provide support to partner in times of distress

19 Celebrity Attachment Style  Break into small groups  Each group assigned an attachment style:  Secure  Avoidant  Anxious/Resistant  Generate a list of celebrities who exhibit tendencies of this attachment style  Gather supporting evidence from online sources  Present your findings to the class

20 Applied Discussion What style of romantic attachment would you classify yourself as fitting into? What experiences lead you to this attachment style?

21 Overview Attachment Theory: History and Core Concepts Individual Differences in Infant Attachment Antecedents Outcomes in Childhood Attachment in Adulthood Romantic Love as an Attachment Bond Finding a Partner Relationship Functioning What is the Relationship between Early Attachment and Adult Attachment?

22 Probabilistic Relationship Early childhood attachment is only probabilistically related to adult attachment

23 Influence of Attachment Beyond Romantic Relationships

24 CAT: The Muddiest Point  What was the muddiest point in today’s class?  Write down what concept you are still struggling to understand.

25 Photo Attribution Slide 1 Photo Credit: Family - Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska Ian D. Keating Slide 3 Photo Credit: Children blickpixel Slide 5 Photo Credit: The First Shot Of Chota Singh Harsha K R Slide 6 Photo Credit: Monkey Mom and Baby Adam Mizrahi Slide 8 Photo Credit: Where's Mom? Scott Kinmartin Slide 10 Photo Credit: Happy Baby Toss Kris Slide 11 Photo Credit: Ford Family Portraits: Mr. Isaiah Early Kamau Akabueze Slide 13 Photo Credit: bimba, hua hin Johnny Micheletto Slide 15 Photo Credit: La felicità nella luce della sera Leonard Domnguez Slide 17 Photo Credit: Camden Sunday, instant hug Julie Kertesz Slide 18 Photo Credit: Permisos. Nicolas Fuentes

26 Photo Attribution Slide 19 Photo Credit: Photo shoot Erica Minton Slide 20 Photo Credit: Questions1 Grisel D´An Slide 22 Photo Credit: 10080026 moodboard Slide 23 Photo Credit: Family Eating At The Table skeeze Slide 24 Photo Credit: Illustrated silhouette of a black cat nehtaeh79

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