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Meters, Liters, and Grams. Oh, My! T. Trimpe 2008

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1 Meters, Liters, and Grams. Oh, My! T. Trimpe 2008

2 Length  Length- is the distance between two points.  The basic unit of length is the meter and is represented by a lowercase m.  To measure length we use a ruler.

3 Now Practice using a ruler!! Ruler: Things to remember: Line your ruler up with the edge of the object you are measuring. Always us the Metric side which is in Meters (m) or Centimeters (cm). Do Not use the English side which is in Inches (in) unless told otherwise. Don’t forget to use your units when recording your answer. Example: Incorrect ______12______ Correct _______12 cm______

4 Mass  Mass- is the amount of matter in an object.  The basic unit of mass is the gram and is represented by a lowercase g.  To measure mass we use a triple-beam balance..

5 Measuring Mass Top Image: Bottom Image: We will be using triple-beam balances to find the mass of various objects. The objects are placed on the scale and then you move the weights on the beams until you get the lines on the right-side of the scale to match up. Once you have balanced the scale, you add up the amounts on each beam to find the total mass. What would be the mass of the object measured in the picture? _______ + ______ + _______ = ________ g

6 Measuring Mass – Triple-Beam Balance Click here to try an online activity. 1 st – Place the object on the scale. 2 nd – Slide the large weight to the right until the arm drops below the line. Move the rider back one groove. Make sure it “ locks ” into place. 3 rd – Repeat this process with the top weight. When the arm moves below the line, back it up one groove. 4 th – Slide the small weight on the front beam until the lines match up. 5 th – Add the amounts on each beam to find the total mass to the nearest tenth of a gram.

7 Now Practice using a Triple-Beam Balance!! Ruler: Things to remember: Always start with the largest weight and work your way to the smallest weight Wait for the lines on the right side of the scale to match up. Don’t forget to use your units when recording your answer. Example: Incorrect ______12______ Correct _______12 g______

8 Volume  Volume- is the amount of space an object takes up.  The basic unit of volume is the Liter and is represented by a lowercase l.  To measure Volume of liquids we use a Graduated Cylinder..

9 Measuring Volume Top Image: Bottom Image: We will be using graduated cylinders to find the volume of liquids and other objects. Read the measurement based on the bottom of the meniscus or curve. When using a real cylinder, make sure you are eye-level with the level of the water. What is the volume of water in the cylinder? _____mL What causes the meniscus? A concave meniscus occurs when the molecules of the liquid attract those of the container. The glass attracts the water on the sides.

10 Measuring Liquid Volume Images created at What is the volume of water in each cylinder? Pay attention to the scales for each cylinder.

11 Now Practice using a Graduated Cylinder!! Ruler: Things to remember: Do Not forget to use the meniscus Get eye level with the Graduated Cylinder for a more accurate result. Don’t forget to use your units when recording your answer. Example: Incorrect ______12______ Correct _______12 ml______

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