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Burke Tony Burke Minister for sustainability, Environment, water, population and communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Burke Tony Burke Minister for sustainability, Environment, water, population and communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 burke Tony Burke Minister for sustainability, Environment, water, population and communities.

2 Information Name: Tony Burke Party: Labour party Elected:2004 State or federal: federal

3 Speeches & Important events watch?v=-3H8S5nm8sM 3H8S5nm8sM Tony Burke has achieved a historic compromise to save the Murray- Darling river system. By putting a blueprint forward to return water to the Murray-Darling river.

4 Accomplishments His achievements include the reform of drought assistance and restoring the nations bio security system. This is just two of his great achievements.

5 Tony Burke Tony Burke first tried out for his job minister of water, sustainability, environment, population and communities in 2003. But sadly didn’t receive the job. In October 2004 Tony Burke tried out for his job again and got it. Contact Tony Burke? You can contact him on: Facebook, twitter or by email at

6 References

7 The End

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