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Welcome to the Senior Class Parent Meeting for the Class of 2014 Sequoyah High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Senior Class Parent Meeting for the Class of 2014 Sequoyah High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Senior Class Parent Meeting for the Class of 2014 Sequoyah High School

2 Graduation Requirements 4 units of English 4 units of Math 4 units of Science(must include Biology & a PH – science) 3 units of Social Studies 1 unit PE/ Health (or 3 units of JROTC) 3 units of required electives 4 units of miscellaneous electives Graduation Tests and/ or End of Course Tests Minimum 23 units needed to graduate


4 Post Secondary Decisions College Visits - Students are allowed 2 excused absences per year for visits PROBE Local fairs: Tuesday, September 10 – North Point Mall – 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday, September 12 – Town Center Mall – 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, September 24 – Cherokee High School – 6 to 8 p.m.


6 HOPE Scholarship Changes HOPE Scholarship Students must have a 3.0 GPA graduating from an eligible high school. Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in college to keep HOPE.  For the academic year starting Fall 2011, the HOPE amount is capped at 90 percent of the current tuition rate at USG institutions.  ope_award_amounts.pdf ope_award_amounts.pdf

7 Zell Miller Scholarship  Student must have a 3.7 GPA graduating from an eligible high school.  Students must have a combined 1200 SAT score (critical reading/ math only) or a 26 Composite ACT score. These test scores must come from a single test sitting.  Students must maintain a 3.3 GPA in college to keep the Zell Miller scholarship. A valedictorian and salutatorian from each high school will be eligible to receive the Zell Miller Scholarship without consideration of the GPA or ACT/SAT requirements. Zell Miller Scholarship will cover tuition at 100% for an academic year. Students who drop below the college 3.3 GPA can earn Regular HOPE if their GPA remains at 3.0 or above.

8 HOPE Information Continued: For Both Regular HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship  Book and fee allowances have been eliminated.  Remedial classes are not covered by the HOPE scholarship.  Eligible students can continue to receive HOPE scholarship until they have attempted a maximum of 127 semester hours.  Students who lose HOPE or the Zell Miller scholarship at an established checkpoint will have a single chance to regain HOPE or the Zell Miller scholarship.  Students who do not qualify for Zell Miller upon graduation will never be eligible for this scholarship



11 HOPE Grant HOPE Grant is for students seeking a technical certificate or diploma HOPE Grant pays for a percentage of tuition and fees for students. The amount is determined by the Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC) and is subject to change yearly HOPE Grant is available to high school graduates in Georgia regardless of GPA Georgia_s_HOPE_Grant_Program.aspx Georgia_s_HOPE_Grant_Program.aspx


13 Scholarship Information Scholarship information can be found on the SHS Student Services website. Free scholarship search site located at Contact post-secondary institution Financial Aid office for available scholarships. Check out parent or student employers, churches, clubs or civic organizations for scholarship opportunities. Financial Aid workshop to be held at Sequoyah on Monday, February 3, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Notify counseling office of any scholarships that are accepted.


15 Applying to College Check the college/ university website for admission requirements and due dates for applications. Transcript request forms are in counseling office or can be downloaded on Student Services website. Allow at least 2 weeks for transcripts and counselor/teacher recommendations to be processed. Colleges will provide “Freshman Profile” information for previous year admission averages. Check the websites.

16 Admission Deadlines CollegePriority/ EarlyFinal UGAOctober 15Jan. 15 GA TechOctober 15Jan. 10 UNGANovember 15July 1 UWGAJune 1 KennesawMay 10 GA SouthernApril 1May 1 GCSUNovember 1 April 1

17 College Entrance Exams SAT Dates: October 5, 2013– SHS November 2, 2013 Dec. 7, 2013 – SHS Jan. 25, 2014 – SHS March 8, 2014 June 7, 2014 ACT Dates: Sept. 21, 2013 – SHS October 26, 2013 Dec. 14, 2013 – SHS Feb. 8, 2014– SHS April 12, 2014 June 14, 2014

18 Transcript Requests Students may send official transcripts in 2 ways : 1.Students may fill out the Official Transcript Request Form located in student services. A $2.00 fee is required for each transcript requested. Please allow 2 to 3 days to process the request. 2.Students may send a transcript electronically through GAcollege411 for FREE to post-secondary schools in Georgia.

19 GA College 411 Advantages Up to date college entrance requirements for colleges nationwide Access the application for GSFAPPS or FAFSA Send transcripts to GA colleges for free Access to current GPA info Access to latest HOPE GPA Create a resume Free test prep for the SAT or ACT

20 Recommendation Requests Students are encouraged to complete the Recommendation Request Form (located in Student Services) Allow 2 weeks for counselors or teachers to complete recommendation forms/ letters. Many colleges now have electronic recommendation forms available – please check the institutions websites for this option.

21 Final Thoughts Yearbook Issues- Mr. Michael Dayton – Senior Project Information – Mrs. Elaine Dasher hs/sproject/default.aspx– hs/sproject/default.aspx HOPE Info- www.gsfc or Current HOPE GPA- Sending Transcripts- $2.00 each student services office Scholarships- SHS Student Services website, PSO Financial Aid Offices,,, civic, religious or work related Report Accepted Scholarships to Student Services via Scholarship Information Form.

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