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The Great Debate. Bartolomé Las Casas Took part in the colonization of Cuba at the age of 18 Briefly held an encomienda – led him to become a Dominican.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Debate. Bartolomé Las Casas Took part in the colonization of Cuba at the age of 18 Briefly held an encomienda – led him to become a Dominican."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Debate

2 Bartolomé Las Casas Took part in the colonization of Cuba at the age of 18 Briefly held an encomienda – led him to become a Dominican friar

3 Las Casas Wrote several books revealing the horrific treatment of the natives Went to Spain to plead with King Charles V to stop the misuse of the Indians In 1542, the Spanish government passed the New Laws of the Indies – reformed encomienda system and banned Indian slavery

4 Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda Spanish philosopher, served as an official historian for King Charles I Spent his entire life in Europe – never exposed to any native American cultures

5 Sepúlveda Defender of the Spanish right of conquest – it is the right of a conqueror to take territory by force of arms Studied the works of Aristotle and wrote his own works about his view of war

6 The Great Debate at Valladolid Organized by Charles V, King of Spain in 1550 To give an answer to the question whether the Native Americans were capable of governing themselves

7 Outcome No records of the actual proceedings have been found to date, which forces historians to rely on the two sides’ later accounts. As expected, both Sepúlveda and Las Casas claimed to have prevailed at Valladolid.

8 Outcome In 1573, the King of Spain issued “Laws Concerning Discoveries, Pacifications and Settlements Among the Indians” which was an extensive series of laws about exploration, settlement and the treatment of Indians. The new laws did not speak of “conquest,” but rather of the “pacification” of the Indians.

9 Reflection 1) Who do you think won the debate? Give your reasons why. 2) What effect do you think the decision had on the development of human rights in the world?

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