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Definition: the fruit is the whole product of the development of the gynaecium as a result of fertilization. Sometimes other parts of the flower in addition.

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Presentation on theme: "Definition: the fruit is the whole product of the development of the gynaecium as a result of fertilization. Sometimes other parts of the flower in addition."— Presentation transcript:


2 Definition: the fruit is the whole product of the development of the gynaecium as a result of fertilization. Sometimes other parts of the flower in addition to the gynaecium participate in the production of the fruit.

3 Fruits True Fruit False Fruit Composite Fruit Simple Fruits Aggregate Fruits dry dehiscent dry indehiscent Dry Schizocarpic Succulent

4 True fruit: fruit is formed from the gynaecium of a single flower alone. false fruit: when other parts of the flower take part in its formation. composite fruit :If the fruit is formed from the whole inflorescence and not from a single flower.

5 True Fruits True fruits are either simple; formed from a single ovary e.g. Senna pods or aggregate formed from an apocarpus gynaecium e.g. star anise.

6 Simple Fruits a- Simple dry dehiscent fruits: These are where the pericarp becomes dry, this group includes: i- Legume: fruit formed from one carpel which splits along both dorsal and ventral sutures as senna pods.


8 ii- Follicle: fruit formed from one carpel which dehisces by the inner suture only.

9 iii- Capsule: fruit is derived from a syncarpous ovary, it is many seeded fruit e.g. Papaver.

10 iv- Silique: fruit from two carpels with a septum in-between, it splits to expose seed along central membrane (mustards).

11 b- Simple dry indehiscent fruits the pericarp becomes dry and do not split open when ripe. They include the following types:

12 i- Achene: one- seeded fruit formed of one carpel, the pericarp is free from the testa.

13 ii- Caryopsis or grain: it is an achene in which the pericarp and testa are fused together as wheat.

14 iii- Nut: similar to achene but usually bigger, formed of two or three carpels. The nut has a hard and woody or leathery pericarp.

15 iv- samara: it is winged, one seeded fruit formed of one carpel or of more carpels. The wings are membranous development from the pericarp.

16 C- Simple dry schizocarpic or splitting fruits The pericarp becomes dry, they are two to many seeded they split up into a number of one-seeded indehiscent parts called mericarps. They include several types but the most familiar type is cremocarp.

17 Cremocarp: formed of two carpels, the ovary is inferior and bilocular, the cremocarp splits longitudinally between the two locules into two one-seeded mericarps as in Umbelliferae e.g. anise, Fennel,…

18 d- Simple succulent fruits i- Drupe: the fruit derived from one or more carpels. The ovary is superior or inferior unilocular, the epicarp is leathery the mesocarp is fleshy the endocarp is hard and enclosing a single seed as Olive.

19 ii- Berry: the fruit is formed from one or more carpels and the pericarp is entirely fleshy. It is usually many seeded as Orange, Lemon.


21 II- False Fruits they are derived from mature ovary of a single flower accompanied by other parts of the same flower which on ripening become usually swollen and fleshy e.g. Apple.


23 III- Composite fruits i- Strobile: derived from a scaly inflorescence named strobile, one or two achenial fruits are present in the axil of each scale.

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