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Communications Management Presented by Project Masters Inc.

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1 Communications Management Presented by Project Masters Inc.

2 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 2 Project Communications Management Chapter Objectives/Topics Define Project Communications Management Define and Discuss the Project Communications Management processes –Plan Communications Management –Manage Communications –Control Communications Describe the general communications skills in which the Project Manager must be conversant

3 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 3 Project Communications Management Review Chapter Objectives/Topics List suggested project communications documents Define Project Management Communications System (PMCS) Define Project Management Information System (PMIS) Describe a well-run project team meeting

4 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 4 Project Communications Management

5 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 5 Project Communications Management The processes that are required to ensure timely and appropriate planning, collection, creation, distribution, storage, retrieval, management, control, monitoring, and the ultimate disposition of project information (The PMBOK® Guide: Fifth Edition)

6 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 6 Project Communications Management These processes provide the critical links among people and information that are necessary for successful communications. Remember the Project Manager spends most of his/her time, approximately 85 to 90%, communicating with team members and other stakeholders.

7 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 7 Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Controlling Close-out

8 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 8

9 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 9 Communicating has many dimensions such as Written and oral Internal (within the project) External (to the customer, the media, the public, other projects, vendors, etc.) Formal (reports, briefings, memos, etc.) Informal (emails, ad hoc conversations, etc.) Vertical (up and down the organization) Horizontal (with peers) Verbal and Non-verbal (body language)

10 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 10 Project and Management Communication Similarities Listening Questioning Educating Fact-finding Setting/managing expectations Persuading Negotiating Resolving conflict Motivating and Coaching

11 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 11 Project Communication Involves Sender-Receiver Models –Feedback loops; Barriers to communications Choice of Media When to communicate in writing versus when to communicate orally, when to write an informal memo versus when to write a formal report

12 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 12 Plan Communications Management

13 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 13 Plan Communications Management The process of developing an appropriate approach and plan for project communications based on stakeholder’s information needs and requirements, and available organizational assets. (The PMBOK® Guide: Fifth Edition) The key benefit of this process is that it identifies and documents the approach to communicate most effectively and efficiently with stakeholders. (The PMBOK® Guide: Fifth Edition)

14 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 14 Plan Communications Management Who needs what information? Who is authorized to access that information? What information do they need? When do they need the information? How much information do they need? How will the information be delivered to them? Do time zone, language barriers, and/or cross- cultural considerations need to be taken into account?

15 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 15 Plan Communications Management Process Effective communications means that the information is provided in the: –Correct format –Appropriate time –Appropriate tone

16 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 16

17 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 17 Plan Communications Management Inputs 1.Project Management Plan 2.Stakeholder Register 3.Enterprise Environmental Factors 4.Organizational Process Assets –Lessons Learned –Historical Information

18 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 18 Plan Communications Management Tools and Techniques 1.Communications Requirements Analysis –Information Needs –Number of Communication Channels CC = n(n-1) 2 –Analyze organization charts, disciplines, departments, internal/external information needs, information from the stakeholder register

19 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 19 Plan Communications Management Tools and Techniques 2. Communication Technology –Urgency of the need for information –Availability of technology –Ease of use ·Is the team trained? –Project environment ·Face-to-face/virtual –Sensitivity and confidentiality of the information

20 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 20 Plan Communications Management Tools and Techniques 3. Communications Models –The message originates with a Source/Sender. –The message is encoded or translated into signals/language by the sender. –The message is then sent by the sender using communication channels (medium) –Noise can compromise the transmission –The message is decoded/translated by the receiver back into meaningful thoughts/ideas.

21 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 21 Plan Communications Management Tools and Techniques 3. Communications Models (Cont’d) –Upon receipt of the message the receiver may signal receipt of the message – does not necessarily mean the message is understood or accepted. –When the receiver has decoded and understood the message, feedback/response is then transmitted to the sender.

22 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 22 The Basic Communications Model Flow SenderEncode Decode Encode Receiver NOISE Message - Medium Feedback - Message Channel

23 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 23 The Basic Communications Process This model, fairly accurately represents the syntactic aspects of message transmission. In other words, it shows how the message gets from the sender to the receiver and also shows the feedback message from the receiver to the original sender.

24 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 24 The Basic Communications Process Human-to-human communication also involves a semantic component.

25 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 25 The Basic Communications Process The semantic component of communication has to do with whether or not the message that has been sent and received is understood by the receiver in the manner intended by the sender.

26 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 26 The Basic Communications Process That the message is received intact, does not guarantee that the receiver truly understands the message in the way that was intended.

27 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 27 Factors That Cause Miscommunication A.Perception barriers Perception Barriers occur when individuals understand the same message in different ways. B.Personality and interests Personality and interests, such as an individual’s likes and dislikes can also affect communications. C.Attitudes, emotions, and prejudices Attitudes, emotions, and prejudices can distort our interpretation of messages.

28 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 28 Plan Communications Management Tools and Techniques 4. Communications Methods –Interactive communication ·Between two or more parties ·Most efficient for common understanding ·Meetings, phone calls, video conferencing –Push communications ·Sent to specific recipients who need to know ·Doesn‘t guarantee it reached them or was understood ·Letters, memos, emails, faxes, etc.

29 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 29 Plan Communications Management Tools and Techniques 4. Communications Methods (Cont’d) –Pull communication ·Large volumes of information or audiences ·E-learning, intranet sites, knowledge repositories 5. Meetings

30 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 30 Plan Communications Management Outputs 1.Communications Management Plan This plan is part of, or is referenced in, the Project Management Plan. ·The Communications Management Plan contains the following information – Stakeholder communications requirements – Information to be communicated, including format, content, and level of detail – Time frame and frequency for the distribution of required information – Person responsible for communicating the information – Person responsible for authorizing the release of confidential information

31 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 31 Plan Communications Management Outputs 1.Communications Management Plan (Cont’d) ·The Communications Management Plan contains the following information – Person or groups who will receive the information – Methods or technologies used to convey the information, such as memoranda – Resources allocated for communication activities, including time and budget – E-mail, and/or press releases – Glossary of common terminology – Constraints usually derived from specific legislation or regulation, technology, and organizational policies

32 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 32 Plan Communications Management Outputs 1.Communications Management Plan (Cont’d) ·The Communications Management Plan provides the following information – Escalation process Identifying time frames and the management chain for escalation of issues that cannot be resolved at a lower staff level – Flow charts of the information flow of the project, list of reports, and meeting plans, etc. – Method for updating and refining the communications management plan as the project progresses and develops

33 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 33 Plan Communications Management Outputs 2. Project Documents (updates) ·Schedule ·Stakeholder register ·Stakeholder management strategy

34 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 34 Manage Communications

35 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 35 Manage Communications The process of creating, collecting, distributing, storing, retrieving, and ultimate disposition of project information in accordance to the communications management plan. (The PMBOK® Guide: Fifth Edition) The key benefit of this process is that it enables an efficient and effective communications flow between project stakeholders. (The PMBOK® Guide: Fifth Edition)

36 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 36 Manage Communications The process includes the utilization of one, or more of the following techniques 1.Sender/Receiver Models –Feedback loops, barriers 2.Choice of Media – Written vs. orally, informal vs. formal memo 3.Writing Style –Active vs. passive voice, etc. 4.Meeting Management Techniques –Agenda, dealing with conflict 5.Presentation Techniques –Body Language, visual aids 6.Facilitation Techniques –Building consensus 7.Listening Techniques –Acknowledging, clarifying, removing comprehension barriers

37 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 37

38 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 38 Manage Communications Inputs 1.Communications Management Plan 2.Work Performance Reports –Forecasts ·ETC or EAC –Earned value reporting ·SV, CV, SPI, and CPI 3.Enterprise Environmental Factors –Organizational Culture and structure –Government or industry standards and regulations –Project Management information systems

39 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 39 Manage Communications Inputs 4. Organizational Process Assets –Communications management policies, procedures, processes, and guidelines –Templates –Lessons learned, historical information

40 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 40 Manage Communications Tools and Techniques 1.Communications Technology 2.Communication Models 3.Communications Methods –Individual/group meetings –Video/audio conference 4.Information Management Systems –Hard copy, manual filing systems, press releases –Electronic communication management: conferencing tools, email, fax, voice mail, telephone, etc. –Electronic project management tools, web based scheduling tools, project management software, etc.

41 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 41 Manage Communications Tools and Techniques 5. Performance Reporting –Analysis of past project performance –Project forecasts (time and cost) –Current status of risks and issues –Work completed and to be completed in next period –Summary of changes approved in the period –Other relevant project information

42 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 42 Manage Communications Outputs 1.Project Communications ·Urgency and impact of the message ·Delivery method ·Level of confidentiality 2.Project Management Plan Updates 3.Project Documents Updates ·Issue log, Schedule, budget

43 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 43 Manage Communications Outputs 4. Organizational Process Assets Updates –Stakeholder notifications –Project reports –Project presentations –Project records –Feedback from stakeholders –Lessons learned documentation

44 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 44 Lessons Learned Lessons Learned focuses on identifying project successes/failures, and includes recommendations for improving future performance on projects. Some examples of information gained from lessons learned are as follows: –Input to the knowledge management system –Updated corporate policies, procedures, processes –Overall product and service improvements –Updates to the risk management plan

45 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 45 Control Communications

46 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 46 Control Communications The process of monitoring and controlling of communications throughout the entire project life cycle to ensure the information needs of the project stakeholders are met. (The PMBOK® Guide: Fifth Edition) The key benefit of this process is that it ensures an optimal information flow among all communication participants, at any moment in time. (The PMBOK® Guide: Fifth Edition)

47 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 47

48 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 48 Control Communications Inputs 1.Project Management Plan –Stakeholder communication requirements –Reason for distribution of the information –Timeframe and frequency for the distribution –Individual or group responsible for communication of the information –Individual or group receiving the information 2.Project Communications –Deliverable status, Schedule progress and costs incurred

49 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 49 Control Communications Inputs 3. Issue Log 4. Work Performance Data 5. Organizational Process Assets –Report templates –Policies, standards, and procedures that define communications –Specific communication technologies available –Allowed communication media –Record retention policies –Security requirements

50 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 50 Control Communications Tools and Techniques 1.Information Management Systems –Standard tool set that the project manager can use to capture, store, and distribute information to the stakeholders about the project’s costs, schedule progress, and performance 2.Expert Judgment 3.Meetings

51 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 51 Control Communications Outputs 1.Work Performance Information 2.Change Requests –New or revised cost and/ schedule estimates –Adjustments to the project management plan and documents –Recommended corrective actions –Recommended preventive actions 3. Project Management Plan Updates

52 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 52 Control Communications Outputs 4. Project Documents Updates –Forecasts –Performance Reports –Issue Log 5. Organizational Process Assets Updates –Lesson Learned

53 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 53 Project Communications Documentation A General Discussion

54 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 54 Suggested Project Communications Documentation Documentation plays a key role in the Project Communications Management Process Documents constitute many of the inputs as well as outputs of the Subsystems utilized by the Project Communications Management System as conceptualized by

55 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 55 Project Communications Documentation For any given Project Plan, decisions must be made regarding which particular components of the Core Project Plan – as well as which Supplemental Documents and Plans – will be included. Not all Project Plans will require each and every subdocument. Each organization must determine the particular documentation requirements pertinent to the types of projects that the particular organization undertakes.

56 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 56 Questions to Ask To Establish Project Reporting Requirements What types of reports will be required? With what frequency will they be required? What level of detail should the various reports provide?

57 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 57 Project Management Needs Three Categories of Reports Routine Reports Exception Reports Special Analysis Reports

58 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 58 Possible Reports Project summary Top level activities Critical activities Milestone Un-started activities Activities starting soon Activities in progress Completed activities Should have started activities Slipping activities Cash flow Project budget Over budget activities Over budget resources Earned Value Who does what Who does what when To do lists Over allocated resources Activity usage Resource usage

59 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 59 Other Communication Formats Meetings Telephone conference calls E-mail communications Intra-Net or Inter-Net communications systems Tele-Video Conferencing Systems

60 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 60 Project Reporting Requirements Project Reporting Requirements should not be so extensive as to create a burden for the Project Stakeholders; however, they should be developed with both short-term and long-term informational needs and uses in mind.

61 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 61 Project Management Information System (PMIS) Tools Word Processor Applications Spreadsheet Applications Database Applications Project Management Applications Statistical Analysis Applications Capturing and Processing Subsystems –Checklists, Forms, Report Formats, Analysis Tools, Sign-off Sheets

62 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 62 The Project Management Communications System (PMCS) Electronic Mail Intranet and internet Systems Meetings Telephone Calls Video-Teleconferencing On-Site Inspections

63 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 63 Monitoring the Project Communications System Is all the information needed to keep the project on-track being captured? Is this information being analyzed on a timely basis? Are the outputs from the analyses useable by the various groups and individuals who need them for decision-making purposes? Are project-control decisions being made on a timely basis?

64 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 64 Improving The Communications Process Think through what needs to be accomplished Determine how the message will be communicated Take steps to appeal to the interests of those to whom the message is directed Get feedback with regard to what the receiver has understood your message to be

65 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 65 Improving The Communications Process Provide feedback with respect to what is being communicated to you. Assess the effectiveness of your communication by observing others’ abilities to carry out your instructions. Establish multiple communications channels. Develop sensitivity to body language

66 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 66 Improving The Communications Process Communicate at the right time and place Reinforce words with actions - be a model Use simple, concise language Use redundancy (say the same thing in different ways) Listen

67 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 67 Project Team Meetings Project Team Meetings are an extremely important component of the Project Communications Process. These meetings can easily become a source of contention if they are not handled in a professional, efficient and effective manner It is the Project Manager’s responsibility to ensure that Project Team Meetings are conducted in an appropriate manner.

68 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 68 Project Team Meetings Meetings should be started and ended on time Only hold meetings if it is clear that something worthwhile will be accomplished All meetings should have an agenda Come to the meeting fully prepared

69 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 69 Project Team Meetings Require participants to show up with appropriate reports and other information. Conduct one piece of business at a time. Each Project Team Member should be encouraged to contribute in his or her own way. Seek Project Team Members’ opinions

70 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 70 Project Team Meetings When decisions must be made, clearly state what the decision is that must be made Test the group’s readiness to make the decision Make the decision Test the group’s commitment to the decision Assign roles and responsibilities

71 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 71 Project Team Meetings Establish follow-up dates Communicate the next step(s) for the group Set the time and place for the next meeting Record and distribute minutes for every meeting

72 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 72 Factors That Can Lead to Unsuccessful Meetings: Superior ‑ subordinate relationships (i.e., pecking orders), can inhibit creativity Criticism and ridicule can inhibit spontaneity Pecking orders can negatively impact teamwork Ridicule of unconventional ideas can lead to loss of opportunities

73 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 73 Factors That Can Lead to Unsuccessful Meetings: Domination of meetings by upper ‑ level management can lead to employee apathy Holding meetings at an inappropriate time and / or place can lead to resistance to participation Failure to notify personnel of meeting times and subject matter, in advance, causes resentment

74 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 74 Factors That Can Lead to Unsuccessful Meetings: The Project Manager should take all possible steps to prevent these communication- inhibitors from occurring.

75 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 75 Project Communications Management Chapter Objectives/Topics Define Project Communications Management Define and Discuss the Project Communications Management processes –Plan Communications Management –Manage Communications –Control Communications Describe the general communications skills in which the Project Manager must be conversant

76 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 76 Project Communications Management Review Chapter Objectives/Topics List suggested project communications documents Define Project Management Communications System (PMCS) Define Project Management Information System (PMIS) Describe suggestions to enhance project team meetings

77 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 77 Chapter 10 – Communications Management Practice Exam Turn to Page 397 in the “All in One” Text Book Take the 20 Question Exam

78 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 78 Practice Exam Answers 1)D. Distance 2)C. The communications management plan 3)D. Lessons learned from previous projects 4)B. 496 5)C. 60

79 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 79 Practice Exam Answers 6) A. The project sponsor 7) D. Team members in different geographical locales 8) D. RACI charts 9) A. Paralingual 10) C. Exception Report

80 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 80 Practice Exam Answers 11) A. Noise 12) B. Allow project meetings to last as long as needed. 13) A. Greater than 50 percent 14) C. Throughout the project life cycle 15) D. To help future project teams complete their projects more accurately

81 ©2015 Project Masters, Inc. 81 Practice Exam Answers 16) C. 190 17) C. Labor issues 18) D. Transmitting 19) D The communications between the customer and George can convey the project objectives more clearly than can the language in the project contract. 20) A. The transfer of knowledge

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