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(Click here to go to our website) Call to Order – President Weldon Garrelts called the meeting to order and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

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Presentation on theme: "(Click here to go to our website) Call to Order – President Weldon Garrelts called the meeting to order and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance."— Presentation transcript:


2 (Click here to go to our website) Call to Order – President Weldon Garrelts called the meeting to order and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3 Invocation – David Hunter - Accept our thanks, oh Lord, for food, for friends and family, for rain and sun, freedom, fun, for our club and blessings of which we are even unaware. Help us to be blessings to those in need. Amen. Vittles – Chicken Teriyaki, wild rice, mixed vegetables, salad and toppings, rolls and butter, strawberry cream pie, tea and coffee.

4 The Windsor had provided a little Halloween decoration.

5 Attendance – 21 members, 3 visitors. Guests – Larry (guest of Fonda Bowden). Birthdays – none.

6 Lions Report – Former member Merv Strom saw Pat on Candy Day and reported multiple health problems. If you are ill or know a fellow Lion that is under the weather, please call Pat Bryan at 586-4535.

7 Lottery – Dave Hunter won the $9 lottery.

8 Announcements – Tom Yaxley gave an update on the Football pool and noted our club was 2nd for the week and still in 4th place. Gordie Gordon and Ed Tichenor had 8 right.

9 David Lin announced that Candy Day was last weekend and the results were pretty good with collection of about $2,000 on the street. One person gave Paul Kunkel a $50 bill.

10 Weldon Garrelts announced that the Early Learning Center needs a pancake grill and someone wanted a walker. If you have a walker let Weldon know.

11 Program – Weldon Garrelts announced that 2 speakers would present today. He introduced the first speaker, Steve Ferguson, Lions District 1E Trustee for the Lions of Illinois Foundation.

12 Steve gave a motivational talk about the Foundation and that this was the fortieth anniversary year. He said we started out collecting about $1 million on Candy Day, but unfortunately last year we collected only $400,000.

13 The Foundation budget for this year is $1,314,000 and the new Director will be coming on board soon.

14 He pointed out that our Club met last year’s Foundation Challenge financially of a little over $79 per member. This year we need $83.09 per member.

15 The administration expenses for the Foundation are only 5.7%, which is incredibly reasonable.

16 He also talked about a Bill in the state legislature that would require all schools to test for hearing in every 5th and 9th grader. He is now getting calls regarding Lions Hearing Bus helping with this.

17 His answer is that we will help but only in cooperation with local Lions Clubs. So, the Local Clubs must get involved and be present for the testing—if for no other reason than to keep the 5th graders from having too much fun.

18 There is a Low Vision Clinic coming up soon here in Champaign. Don’t hesitate to contact Steve at

19 Charlie Osborne introduced our second speaker, Andrew Wilk, a Teacher at Parkland College. Mr. Wilk teaches College English and Pre-College courses as well as English-as-Second Language. His also involved in the Compass Prep Class for the SAT test.

20 Mr. Wilk spoke on “Three Things Educators Should Stop Saying.”

21 One statistic stood out that Mr. Wilk pointed out: 70% of the students required pre-college coursework to catch up, even though they were already accepted into college.

22 The first Stop Saying was “Every child deserves a high school diploma.”

23 He suggested we change this to, “Every child deserves to EARN a high school diploma.” We need to raise the bar so that the diploma is a real achievement.

24 The second Stop Saying was “…we are forced to teach to the test.” If that is so, then why do so many fail to pass the test?

25 He commented that the easiest way to educate students is to teach content and hold to standards.

26 Unfortunately, most states develop tests that are easy. However, the new “Common Core” standards that are National will be a much higher standard.

27 New York recently adopted this new Standard and after their first testing they found their scores had dropped dramatically. So, we have problems.

28 The third Stop Saying was “It’s not us, it’s the kids.” He pointed out that we have had problems in the past with single-parent families or both working and we still managed to educate. (Wait and watch the cartoon all the way through.)

29 There will always be societal problems, but the educational system is there to give the kids the tools to advance. We need to make changes.

30 A very good discussion followed.

31 First, Professor Rex Hess,

32 Then, our honorable Tail Twister, Omer Benn,

33 and Past President Rich King.

34 Mr. Wilk has written a guest commentary for the News-Gazette, which will be published soon.

35 When our President gave him a Lions pen, Mr. Wilk said that his wife will really appreciate that as she collects pens.

36 Tail Twister – Omer Benn asked Paul Hendren to carry the bucket.

37 He fined Weldon Garrelts for teasing Omer about Marvin’s Marbles;

38 Tom Yaxley for a rumor that he forgot his Candy Day appointment;

39 Ed Tichenor for misspelling a name.

40 He also auctioned Marvin’s Garden vegetables- Paulsen, that is.

41 da marbles.

42 Then he fined Dave Hunter for having won the lottery;

43 BIG mistake… Suffer, you gonna.

44 Coming up Oct 23 - Pat Titus - Pork Board Farm and Food Greeter: Paul Hendren Oct 30 – To Be announced Nov 6 – To Be Announced Click here to email Sam McGrew and let him know what you would like to see in a Lions Club program some

45 Thank you for watching Editor Rex Hess Publisher David Hunter To email Dave with your suggestions, click here → To go to the our website, click here →

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