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LONG TERM ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT An Introduction Presented by James Marshall.

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1 LONG TERM ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT An Introduction Presented by James Marshall


3 PPPPP I keep six honest serving men They taught me all I know Their names are What, Why and When And How and Where and Who Rudyard Kipling

4 PPPPP Talented young athletes need to be helped to reach the elite level A systematic approach to talent identification and development, led by governing bodies on a sport by sport basis. A single framework that avoids young people over- competing or specialising in single sports too early Co-ordination is key particularly between clubs and schools, to achieve this

5 DEVELOPING EXPERT PERFORMANCE Using the numbers 5,10,3,48 along with hours, weeks, years and days create an equation that dictates an elite athletes training 3 hours x 5 days x 48 weeks x 10 years It is generally regarded that it takes 10,000 hours or 10 years to develop expert performance (Bloom,1985; Ericsson,1993)

6 LONG TERM ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT (LTAD) Achieving truly elite performance is a long term process – THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS Rushing competition = poor preparation Western Society has a ‘Peaking by Friday’ philosophy Early specialization sports Late specialization sports Can you identify several early and late specialization sports?

7 Long Term Training Early Specialisation Sports –Gymnastics –Rhythmic Gymnastics –Figure Skating –Diving –Table Tennis Late Specialisation Sports –Athletics –Rowing –Combat Sports –Team Sports

8 Athlete/Player Development Multilateral Development Specialisation High Performance AGEAGE 20 14 11

9 STAGE 1 – FUNdamentals (6-9 years) Individual is involved in a wide range of sports Emphasis is always placed upon FUN and playing games Proper technique of athletic ABC’s –Running, jumping, throwing No periodization – Activities revolve around the school year A specific sport only 1-2 times per week –Emphasis remains upon Fun and game playing

10 STAGE 2 – TRAINING TO TRAIN (10-14 years) Learn how to train –Warm up, stretching, hydration, recovery, nutrition, taper and peak Competition vs Training ratio 25% to 75% Basic technical and tactical skills of a sport Play to win but emphasis is on training process rather than outcome Placed in competitive situations daily but in training and drills Over emphasis upon comp will cause plateau

11 STAGE 3 – TRAINING TO COMPETE (14- 18 years) 50% 50% split between comp specific training and train Hi Individual and sport specific training is provided year round Develop basic and sport specific skills under pressure Programmes individualised to a greater degree to address individuals strength and weaknesses

12 STAGE 4 – TRAINING TO WIN (18-21 years) Fully developed athlete Competition vs Training ratio is 75% to 25% Emphasis upon optimising competitive performance athletes trained to peak for specific competitions Training is high intensity and relatively high volume

13 THREATS TO LTAD System of competition is based on traditions and improvisation Talent ID and recruitment neglected The best and most knowledgeable coaches work at the elite level Developmental athletes tend not to get guidance Support structures at elite levels can’t make up for short comings in earlier stages

14 THREATS TO LTAD Too much emphasis on competition, especially in team sports Male programmes are superimposed on females and adults programmes onto children We ignore optimal periods of trainability Too much emphasis on winning

15 Peak Height Velocity




19 Emphases in Strength Development Body weight, partner weight, swiss & medicine ball As above, also dumb bells and cables. Introduce barbell lifting techniques. Introduce circuit training. Emphasize core stability and tendon strengthening Add exercise machines. Power techniques and set training is introduced. Volume and intensity are increased. A fully periodised programme is introduced. Initiation 6-10 Athletic formation 11-14 Specialisation 15-18 High performance 18+

20 Emphases in Speed/Agility Development Coordination through play. Relays Training for acceleration and quickness.Low intensity plyometrics. Specific technique development. Resisted running. Introduce position specific speed training Initiation 6-10 Athletic formation 11-14 Specialisation 15-18 High performance 18+

21 Emphases in Endurance Training Fun and multilateral. Not stressful The length of training sessions can increase. Longer (3km) runs can be introduced as can low intensity medium distance intervals Develop aerobic capacity as a priority. Sports specific drills and interval training can be used to develop both aerobic and anaerobic endurance Increasingly game and position specific Initiation 6-10 Athletic formation 11- 14 Specialisation 15-18 High performance 18+

22 Emphases in Flexibility Training Static and dynamic. Increased flexibility through gymnastic type play Introduction of PNF. Take Growth Spurt into consideration As part of your weekly routine. Becoming individually specific Individual and position specific Initiation 6-10 Athletic formation 11- 14 Specialisation 15-18 High performance 18+

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