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WHMS Volleyball We are ONE PACK! Undefeated County Champs 2013 Undefeated County Champs 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "WHMS Volleyball We are ONE PACK! Undefeated County Champs 2013 Undefeated County Champs 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHMS Volleyball We are ONE PACK! Undefeated County Champs 2013 Undefeated County Champs 2014

2 Athletic Eligibility/ Intramurals Intramurals will run for three weeks starting August 31 st You can only participate if you have a recent athletic eligibility packet on file including a sports physical– you will not be able to stay in the gym without it. So please do not show up for intramurals if you do not have a completed packet submitted. A sports physical is different than a regular physical, if your doctor did not fill out and sign this sheet in the packet (pg. 11) you CAN NOT attend intramurals. Our Athletics department will STOP accepting eligibility packets on September 1 st —no execptions.


4 Continued… The packet can be found on WHM’s websitewebsite You must attend half of the intramural hours to be considered for the traveling team, although attending all intramural days is recommended Intramurals will be held Monday through Friday from 7:00am-8:45am and will serve to condition athletes as well as build volleyball skills It is our expectation that you arrive on time and be ready to begin by 7:00, if tardiness becomes an issue we will implement one sprint per minute late

5 Athletics Dress Code Athletic Sneakers and knee pads (recommended) Athletic Socks Athletic Shorts—Must be mid-thigh Tee-Shirt (No tanks tops) No visible undergarments No Jewelry is permitted at any time including earrings No Yoga pants, cheer shorts, or spandex Non-compliance will not be tolerated, you will sit out

6 Conditioning Yes, we will condition. Maintaining cardiovascular health is an important aspect of being a student- athlete. Conditioning can and will include: plyometrics, sprinting, strength building, circuit training and more. Expect at least an hour of conditioning daily. We realize everyone has different fitness levels; however, you will be expected to give your 100%.

7 How will the team be picked? The traveling team will be picked by using an objective rubric, where athletes will be evaluated on various volleyball skills including: passing, setting, serving, hitting, communication, and sportsmanship. This rubric is available on the WHM website. The athletes with the top rubric scores will make the WHMS traveling team—how you react to both making the team or being cut says a lot about your character, make sure you reflect on that. On the final day of tryouts you will receive a letter indicating if your rubric score was among the top 12 to 13, or if it was not. The final day of tryouts will be a double day, meaning morning and afternoon. Plan to have transportation home from WHMS at 6pm.

8 NutritionNutrition/Hydration As we are conditioning and practicing early, athletes should arrive adequately hydrated and having eaten. Not only will dehydration and lack of macronutrients affect your performance it is dangerous. Prior to arrival you should have consumed complex carbs and protein. You can’t expect to push your body if you have not given it what it needs to preform.

9 One Pack The One Pack mentality is the idea that we are stronger together than alone, we are a team. The “One Pack” battle cry came out of the volleyball program and now has evolved to represent a larger idea for our entire school, you are expected to represent it well. This mentality has contributed to our success and how we behave as student-athletes—it is VERY important to us, please honor it. We will support one another in positive ways. Negative attitudes and disrespect will not be tolerated in the pack. We are a representation of this school and will strive to embody the One Pack mentality. Please review the student athlete responsibilities on the WHMS website, you will be expected to know and follow them.responsibilities

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