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The Big Six Research Model Science Inquiry Project.

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1 The Big Six Research Model Science Inquiry Project

2 Task One Do you understand what the fifth grade teachers expect? –Try to retell what the assignment is in your own words What information will you need to answer your question? –Think like a reporter: Who, what, where, when, why, how? Thick or thin questions?

3 Task Two What resources do you need to answer some of your questions? –Make a list of all resources that are available for you to use Are the resources useful for information? –Go through your list and ask yourself “Can I really find an answer here?” Strike-through the ones that you think will not provide answers

4 Task Three A) Locate your sources 1. Beside each useful source write its location 2. Go get those sources B) Find keywords/related keywords in your sources 1. Make a list of your keywords -Look at the words in the questions that you created about your topic. Find the words that are “important” and circle them See next slide for example of a graphic organizer that you could use



7 Task Three (continued) (From step B) Go back to your list of resources and add more keywords! (The more you have, the easier it will be for your project!) Book: Look at the index or table of contents for your topic and additional keywords Encyclopedia: Use the index volume (usually the last volume in the set) for the topic and additional keywords. Web sites that are subscribed to by your library (Worldbook Online, etc.): type topic and keywords in the search box. Try them separately and some together. Ask your librarian for help if needed. Free web sites (Yahooligans!, etc) : use topic and keywords in the search box.




11 Images Copied 4/4/06 4/3/06 4/3/06 4/3/06 4/4/06 4/4/06 ge=3 ge=3

12 Bibliography

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