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Technology Use At Alice Birney School December 4, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Use At Alice Birney School December 4, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Use At Alice Birney School December 4, 2001

2 Classroom  Fifth Grade Student  Media Trek Program  Computer test after finishing a Media Trek Book

3 Classroom  Fourth Grade Student  Apple Works Program  Editing of Student Writing for Publication

4 Classroom  Third Grade Student  Ultra Keys Program  Skills/Speed Check

5 Classroom  First Grade Student  Kid Pix Program  Language Arts, Math, etc.

6 Library  Third Grade Student  Follett Library Program  Utilizing Library Resources

7 Classroom  Second Grade Students  Ultra Keys Program  Beginning Keyboarding Lessons

8 Classroom  Fourth Grade Student Teacher  Internet Web Sites  Lesson Planning

9 Classroom  Fifth Grade Students  Whole Class Lesson on the T.V. of the Solar System from Internet Web Site.

10 This was just a glimpse of a typical Alice Birney day where students and staff use technology for instructional purposes.

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