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Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) Representatives Training Your Name The Date PP 06102301.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) Representatives Training Your Name The Date PP 06102301."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) Representatives Training Your Name The Date PP 06102301

2 Federal Aviation Administration 2 FAASTeam Representative Training Flight Standards AVS Safety Integrity People Quality

3 Federal Aviation Administration 3 FAASTeam Representative Training OBJECTIVE Overview New Program Goals FAASTeam Representatives Representative’s Handbook Awards Training and Resources

4 Federal Aviation Administration 4 FAASTeam Representative Training Introductions Name Town Employer Background Years of Aviation Experience

5 Federal Aviation Administration 5 FAASTeam Representative Training OBJECTIVE Overview New Program Goals FAASTeam Representatives Representative’s Handbook Awards Training and Resources

6 Federal Aviation Administration 6 FAASTeam Representative Training

7 Federal Aviation Administration 7 FAASTeam Representative Training Overview of the FAASTeam Improve upon the Nation’s aviation accident rate by conveying safety principles and practices through training, outreach, and education; while establishing partnerships and encouraging the continual growth of a positive safety culture within the aviation community.

8 Federal Aviation Administration 8 FAASTeam Representative Training Overview of the FAASTeam 8 - Regional FAASTeam Offices FAASTeam Program Managers FAASTeam Plan for Reducing Accidents New FAASTeam Tools Relationship with the Aviation Community

9 Federal Aviation Administration 9 FAASTeam Representative Training Overview of the FAASTeam FAASTeam Members FAASTeam Representati ves FAASTeam Industry Members

10 Federal Aviation Administration 10 FAASTeam Representative Training OBJECTIVE Overview New Program Goals FAASTeam Representatives Representative’s Handbook Awards Training and Resources

11 Federal Aviation Administration 11 FAASTeam Representative Training Goals National Goals Regional Goals Local Goals –Based on Accident/Incident Data –Areas of concern –Areas of Improvement

12 Federal Aviation Administration 12 FAASTeam Representative Training National Goals Based on the Administrators Flight Plan “Achieve the lowest possible accident rate and constantly improve safety” Three objectives

13 Federal Aviation Administration 13 FAASTeam Representative Training Objective 1 Reduce the commercial airline fatal accident rate. –On going safety education programs for 121 Air Carriers. –135 Air Carriers outreach providing introduction to Safety Management Systems.

14 Federal Aviation Administration 14 FAASTeam Representative Training Objective 2 Reduce the number of fatal accidents in General Aviation. ¤Target – Below 319 fatal accidents by 2009 –Outreach and Safety Education Programs for GA 1.Weather Awareness and Understanding 2.Aeronautical Decision Making 3.Failure to Maintain Control of the Aircraft 4.Failure to Follow Procedures (AMT)

15 Federal Aviation Administration 15 FAASTeam Representative Training Objective 2 Reduce the number of fatal accidents in General Aviation. ¤Target – Below 319 fatal accidents by 2009 –Aviation and Space Education 1.Support Aviation Career Education 2.Support Aviation Career Day

16 Federal Aviation Administration 16 FAASTeam Representative Training Objective 2 Reduce the number of fatal accidents in General Aviation. ¤Target – Below 319 fatal accidents by 2009 –General Aviation Awards Program 1.Aviation Maintenance Technician 2.Aviation Avionics Technician 3.Aviation Flight Instructor 4.Aviation FAASTeam Representative

17 Federal Aviation Administration 17 FAASTeam Representative Training Objective 3 Reduce the risk of runway incursions ¤Target – Less that 27 Category A&B incursions by FY2009 –On going education efforts with airport users 1.Participate with Runway Safety Action Team Meetings 2.Conduct Joint Safety Seminar

18 Federal Aviation Administration 18 FAASTeam Representative Training Local Goals Based on analysis of Accident and Incident Data. Review of Causal Factors to Target Specific Areas. Target Geographic Areas

19 Federal Aviation Administration 19 FAASTeam Representative Training National Chart

20 Federal Aviation Administration 20 FAASTeam Representative Training FAASTeam Focus –Safety Education Programs for GA 1.Weather Awareness and Understanding 2.Aeronautical Decision Making 3.Failure to Maintain Control of the Aircraft 4.Failure to Follow Procedures (AMT)

21 Federal Aviation Administration 21 FAASTeam Representative Training Any Questions?

22 Federal Aviation Administration 22 FAASTeam Representative Training OBJECTIVE Overview New Program Goals FAASTeam Representatives Representative’s Handbook Awards Training and Resources

23 Federal Aviation Administration 23 FAASTeam Representative Training FAASTeam Representatives ! FAASTeam Lead Representatives FAASTeam Representatives Responsibilities Activities

24 Federal Aviation Administration 24 FAASTeam Representative Training FAASTeam Representatives ! General Responsibilities Willing to be of service Professional manner Guidance from FPM No Authority

25 Federal Aviation Administration 25 FAASTeam Representative Training FAASTeam Lead Representatives

26 Federal Aviation Administration 26 FAASTeam Representative Training FAASTeam Lead Representatives Knowledge of computer applications Aviation safety education skills Knowledge of aeronautical subjects Exhibit leadership qualities

27 Federal Aviation Administration 27 FAASTeam Representative Training FAASTeam Lead Representatives Assist & support aviation safety program activities of FAASTeam Reps in their area of responsibility Report accomplishment of activities Input information on meetings into

28 Federal Aviation Administration 28 FAASTeam Representative Training FAASTeam Lead Representatives Assist Safety Organizations Attend safety education events Oversight and selection of General Aviation Awards Program Procure and maintain supplies Produce flyers and post seminars Training, assistance, and support

29 Federal Aviation Administration 29 FAASTeam Representative Training FAASTeam Lead Representatives Selection –FAASTeam Program Manager and Regional FAASTeam Manager –Two Years FAASTeam

30 Federal Aviation Administration 30 FAASTeam Representative Training FAAST Representatives

31 Federal Aviation Administration 31 FAASTeam Representative Training FAASTeam Representatives Selection –FAASTeam Lead Representative and FAASTeam Program Manager –One Year FAASTeam

32 Federal Aviation Administration 32 FAASTeam Representative Training Representative Selection Aviation Knowledge Excellent standing within the Aviation Community Proactive Support of the FAA Desire to Promote Aviation Safety Good Aviation Safety Record Sufficient Time

33 Federal Aviation Administration 33 FAASTeam Representative Training Representative Activities Support FAASTeam Counseling Identifying Hazards Safety Meeting and Events Aviation Award Support Publicity Limitations and Restrictions

34 Federal Aviation Administration 34 FAASTeam Representative Training Counseling Interaction with individuals or groups with aviation related concerns. Positive example or constructive advise to individuals. –Who may lack understanding –Deviate from FARS –In-flight assistance –Operate in an unsafe manner

35 Federal Aviation Administration 35 FAASTeam Representative Training Identify Safety Hazards Safety Hazards exist in many forms –Power lines –Pot holes in the runway –Damaged windsock –Incorrectly charter aeronautical information –Unsafe conditions with design or maintenance of an aircraft

36 Federal Aviation Administration 36 FAASTeam Representative Training Identify Safety Hazards Reporting –FAA Safety Hotline (800) 255-1111 –Malfunction Defect Reports (FAA Form 8010-4) Representatives should make airmen aware of these reports

37 Federal Aviation Administration 37 FAASTeam Representative Training Safety Meetings and Events Planned and Properly Presented Audiovisuals and Pamphlets National Resource Center Aviation Industry or State Aviation Lead Representatives –Schedule, organize, and conduct

38 Federal Aviation Administration 38 FAASTeam Representative Training Aviation Awards Support Rewarding Effort or Accomplishment Outstanding Aviation Professionals Recognize Exemplary Performance Recommendations and Nominations

39 Federal Aviation Administration 39 FAASTeam Representative Training Publicity Primary source – Print and Broadcast Media Aviation Newsletters Timely Distribution

40 Federal Aviation Administration 40 FAASTeam Representative Training Limitations and Restrictions Valuable Contribution Legal Restrictions –Government Vehicles –Government Obligation –Mailing and Mailing Lists –Not Official Representative of the FAA –Legal Matters –Pay for Service

41 Federal Aviation Administration 41 FAASTeam Representative Training OBJECTIVE Overview New Program Goals FAASTeam Representatives Representative’s Handbook Awards Training and Resources

42 Federal Aviation Administration 42 FAASTeam Representative Training Representative Handbook Introduction Qualifications and Appointment Training General Activities Program Activities Airport Activities

43 Federal Aviation Administration 43 FAASTeam Representative Training Representative Handbook Aviation Safety Education Public Education Public Relations FAA Liaison Appendices

44 Federal Aviation Administration 44 FAASTeam Representative Training Introduction Mission History FAASTeam Representatives

45 Federal Aviation Administration 45 FAASTeam Representative Training Qualifications and Appointments Determine Need Evaluate Qualifications Selections Appointment Period

46 Federal Aviation Administration 46 FAASTeam Representative Training Training Orientation and Recurrent Special Training

47 Federal Aviation Administration 47 FAASTeam Representative Training General Activities General Request Request for Further Education Potential Aviation Hazards Promoting New Ideas Formal Complaints Concerns Regarding the FAA Reluctant Individuals

48 Federal Aviation Administration 48 FAASTeam Representative Training Program Activities Plan and Conduct Events Coordinate with FAASTeam Program Manager or Lead Representative Planning and Preparing –Program Content –Program Length –Audiovisual Aids –Community Involvement

49 Federal Aviation Administration 49 FAASTeam Representative Training Program Activities Planning and Preparing –Program Content –Program Length –Audiovisual Aids –Community Involvement –Location –Reporting

50 Federal Aviation Administration 50 FAASTeam Representative Training Airport Activities FAASTeam Representative’ Role Counseling Presentations Local Events and Resources Airport Support Group Safety Hazards

51 Federal Aviation Administration 51 FAASTeam Representative Training Aviation Safety Education Representative’s Education Familiarity with FARs Unsafe Occurrences Remedial Training Source of Information Aviation Safety Matters

52 Federal Aviation Administration 52 FAASTeam Representative Training Public Education Lectures Discussions Workshops Seminars/Special Programs Civic Groups High School/College

53 Federal Aviation Administration 53 FAASTeam Representative Training Public Relations Public Support Education News Releases Service and Youth Local and State

54 Federal Aviation Administration 54 FAASTeam Representative Training FAA LIAISON Support Safety Programs Communication Local ATC Eyes and Ears NPRM Students and Teachers Internet

55 Federal Aviation Administration 55 FAASTeam Representative Training FAASTeam Break Time

56 Federal Aviation Administration 56 FAASTeam Representative Training OBJECTIVE Overview New Program Goals FAASTeam Representatives Representative’s Handbook Awards Training and Resources

57 Federal Aviation Administration 57 FAASTeam Representative Training

58 Federal Aviation Administration 58 FAASTeam Representative Training

59 Federal Aviation Administration 59 FAASTeam Representative Training

60 Federal Aviation Administration 60 FAASTeam Representative Training

61 Federal Aviation Administration 61 FAASTeam Representative Training

62 Federal Aviation Administration 62 FAASTeam Representative Training

63 Federal Aviation Administration 63 FAASTeam Representative Training

64 Federal Aviation Administration 64 FAASTeam Representative Training

65 Federal Aviation Administration 65 FAASTeam Representative Training

66 Federal Aviation Administration 66 FAASTeam Representative Training

67 Federal Aviation Administration 67 FAASTeam Representative Training OBJECTIVE Overview New Program Goals FAASTeam Representatives Representative’s Handbook Awards Training and Resources

68 Federal Aviation Administration 68 FAASTeam Representative Training Awards Program Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award Charles Taylor Master Mechanic Award General Aviation Awards Program AMT Awards Program Pilot Proficiency Awards Program*

69 Federal Aviation Administration 69 FAASTeam Representative Training Awards Programs Wright Brothers Master Pilot –FAA/FS-I-8700-2 –To be eligible Completed a flight review 24 months 50 consecutive years civil experience Exceptions

70 Federal Aviation Administration 70 FAASTeam Representative Training

71 Federal Aviation Administration 71 FAASTeam Representative Training Awards Programs Charles Taylor Master Mechanic –Advisory Circular 65-26 –To be eligible U.S. Citizen 50 years in Aviation Maintenance Exceptions

72 Federal Aviation Administration 72 FAASTeam Representative Training

73 Federal Aviation Administration 73 FAASTeam Representative Training Annual Award Programs General Aviation Awards Program –Avionics Technician –Aviation Maintenance Technician –Certificated Flight Instructor –FAASTeam Representative

74 Federal Aviation Administration 74 FAASTeam Representative Training Annual Award Programs Continue General Aviation Awards Program –Eligibility AMT actively working in the U.S. Part 65 Avionics working in the U.S. Part 145

75 Federal Aviation Administration 75 FAASTeam Representative Training Annual Award Programs Continue General Aviation Awards Program –Eligibility CFI working in the U.S. Part 61, 141, or 142 FAASTeam Representatives actively involved in the program.

76 Federal Aviation Administration 76 FAASTeam Representative Training Awards Programs Aviation Maintenance Technician Award Program –Advisory Circular 65-25 –Incentive program –Employer/employee award programs –Five award levels –Application

77 Federal Aviation Administration 77 FAASTeam Representative Training Pilot Proficiency Program Advisory Circular 61-91 Personal recurrent training program Certificates 14 CFR section 61.56 Safety Meeting and training profile

78 Federal Aviation Administration 78 FAASTeam Representative Training Pilot Proficiency Program NEW Program –Will be available at Advisory Circular 61-91 Proficiency Based –Will use the standards in the PTS Three Levels

79 Federal Aviation Administration 79 FAASTeam Representative Training

80 Federal Aviation Administration 80 FAASTeam Representative Training OBJECTIVE Overview New Program Goals FAASTeam Representatives Representative’s Handbook Awards Training and Resources

81 Federal Aviation Administration 81 FAASTeam Representative Training Future Training Annual Recurrent Training Special Training Lead Representative Training Workshops

82 Federal Aviation Administration 82 FAASTeam Representative Training Resources Audio-Visual Equipment P-Pamphlets, Handouts, and Publications Aviation Safety Forms Internet Video and DVD List Presentations National Resource Center AOPA

83 Federal Aviation Administration 83 FAASTeam Representative Training Commitment Active Training Teamwork Ideas Change

84 Federal Aviation Administration 84 FAASTeam Representative Training Questions? FPM Business Card Enter FPM’s name Enter FPM’s address FPM’s city/state –FPM’s telephone number(s) –FPM’s fax number –FPM’s email

85 Federal Aviation Administration 85 FAASTeam Representative Training Thank you for your participation!

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