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AP Seminar Day 4.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Seminar Day 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Seminar Day 4

2 Lenses

3 Typo on your PAPER – OOPS!
Lenses – Plural Lens- Singular Apparently this is a Common mistake!

4 Topic of Inquiry/Theme
This is a starting point or jumping off point. Initially the teacher will decide this, but eventually you will choose your own. Broad area to explore. Ex. Democracy, Water, Food, Media, War, Wealth, Power, etc.

5 Progression of AP Seminar
Theme Research Question Argument

6 Lens: A filter through which an issue or topic is considered or examined.

7 Lens Book: 7 Blind Mice

8 AP Seminar Lenses Environmental Scientific Economic
Political and Historical Artistic and Philosophical Cultural and Social Futuristic Ethical

9 Lenses THEME LENS Environmental Scientific Economic
Political and Historical Artistic and philosophical Cultural and Social Futuristic Ethical LENS

10 Work With a Partner! Come up with your own definition of these Lenses.
You may use an electronic device. You will share your answers!

11 Environmental

12 Scientific

13 Economic

14 Political and Historical

15 Artistic and Philosophical

16 Cultural and Social

17 Futuristic

18 Ethical

19 Within Each Lens there are Perspectives
What is the relationship between capitalism an democracy? Should There be a limit on financial contributions to political parties? Democracy Environmental Scientific Economic Political and Historical Artistic and philosophical Cultural and Social Futuristic Ethical Within the perspective you will find “Point of View” Which is your feelings about a topic. This is your “stance” or opinion about the issue. LENS Perspective: a way of seeing an issue or topic.

20 Perspectives Notes

21 Stake Holders – Who Cares?

22 Terms Perspective: (you tell me! This is review)
Stake Holder- A person, group or organization that has interest or concern in a topic. AKA- someone who CARES about the outcome of something.

23 Who Cares? To identify the multiple perspectives a topic or research question might have, it is useful to consider the stakeholders and ask yourself “who cares?” Example: Should children under 17 be banned from buying violent video games? What are the multiple perspectives this issue can be see from?

24 Who Cares? Video Game companies – potential loss of $$$
Kids – they will be unable to buy the games they want. Parents- They could either agree or disagree with their children playing violent games. Doctors- understand the repercussions of violent games on children’s health.

25 Group Activity Working with the people around you: identify at least 3 perspectives on the following issues. Tip: Identify the stakeholders and ask yourself, Who cares?

26 Task: Our Theme: Social Media.
Your group will be assigned a Lens, You need to come up with multiple perspectives from that lens that address the question, should wake county filter their internet?

27 Finish for Homework You need to come up with multiple perspectives from each lens that address the question, should wake county filter the internet?

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