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Model Comparison Subgroup July 15, 2010. Comparison to CBO scoring CBO need to know effects of the ‘policy’ – Marginal effects of policy implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "Model Comparison Subgroup July 15, 2010. Comparison to CBO scoring CBO need to know effects of the ‘policy’ – Marginal effects of policy implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Model Comparison Subgroup July 15, 2010

2 Comparison to CBO scoring CBO need to know effects of the ‘policy’ – Marginal effects of policy implementation – Baseline important in determining effects of policy implementation. We are tasked with scoring fuels, not policy effects – Average effects over a large volume change in fuel type produced – Marginal effect may be quite different than the average Can not know if LCFS reduces US GHG

3 Models Evolve Models not static, expand to address the questions of the day. – All have grown to include some representation of biofuels – Many have grown to include more classes of land – Many have added direct calculations of GHG emissions While some models more ‘public’ than others, most defy casual use in the analysis of policy.

4 General Equilibrium (GE) Economy wide representation Product aggregates (coarse grains vegetable oils) Armington bilateral trade Stylized policy Increments: one long run equilibrium to the next. Problematic questions: – Where is the blend wall? – Path to equilibrium? Partial Equilibrium (PE) Sector(s) specific: Agriculture and biofuel Product differentiation (Palm oil, corn, wheat) World market clearing Detailed policy Dynamic year to year changes Problematic question: – Effects on labor costs? – Change in transport costs? *Generalizations, each model has unique features, coverage and emphasis

5 General Equilibrium Models

6 GTAP Version 6 GTAP @ Purdue University Publicly available many users 87 GTAP regions (aggregated to 19), by 19 AEZ Crops (broad categories), pasture, forest GHG calculations (GTAP-E) One off future period (long run equilibrium) Biofuel coverage (GTAP-E) first generation liquid biofuels

7 LEI-TAP An elaboration of GTAP with the following features (and others) – More detailed agriculture policy representation – Land supply curve – Linkage to biophysical model (yields and feed conversion)

8 Partial Equilibrium Models

9 IMPACT model International Model for Policy analysis of Agricultural Policies and Trade IFPRI, International Food Policy Research Institute World Bank, UN, USAID, etc. 115 reported regions 30 crop and livestock-fish categories (waiting on GHG calculations) Base period, solution to 2050 1 st generation liquid biofuels, implicit 2 nd generation production after 2025 Emphasis on food security and resource availability – Includes modules for water use and calorie/nutrition effects

10 Aglink-COSIMO OECD in Paris and UN-FAO Rome OECD, UN-FAO, DG-AGRI, AG Canada ~ 40 countries and regions. Primary annual crops, palm, sugar, livestock, dairy, fish. – Some country areas done as a ‘system’. – No pasture or other land uses explicit No endogenous GHG calculations Base period ~10 years Includes first generation liquid biofuels across select developed and developing countries. Attention to policy representation Two organizations (OECD CN, RU, BR )

11 FAPRI model Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute FAPRI: University of Missouri and Iowa State University US Congress, policy makers World in country and regional aggregates Primary annual crop land, palm and sugar in major producing/consuming countries and CRP explicit. Livestock and dairy – US area done as a system, world area done with own price and select cross prices. Model extension for calculating GHG. Base period 10 years extended to 15 and 20 years for various analysis. Includes first generation liquid biofuels (US and world), second generation liquid biofuels (US) and simple biomass for electrical generation (US). Strong attention to policy representation 1 U.S. and Brazil have sub-country regions 2 Brazil includes additional land types

12 CAPRI model Common Agricultural Policy Regionalized Impact University of Bonn DG-AGRI, EU commission EU27, Norway, Balkans: Sub country land grids- combined with world trade model response. Currently treats arable and grass lands as fixed quantities (with changes in fallow and intensity) Includes GHG calculations Base Period: ~10 years Includes first generation liquid biofuels EU focused with additional details on farm level effects.

13 Other models of note GLOBIOM FAPRI-MU stochastic model – US with world reduced forms, distributional analysis FASOM Texas A&M – Broad land use categories for regions of the US. FAPRI-MU DOE model – Detailed crop use and broad land use categories, linked to US stochastic model

14 Dealing with uncertainty How do the models deal with uncertainty – In exogenous factors – In model parameters – In ‘equation errors’ or calibration values

15 model-policy-analysis-agricultural-commodities- and-trade-impact-0 model-policy-analysis-agricultural-commodities- and-trade-impact-0 http://www.agri-,3343,en_36774715_ 36775671_40082829_1_1_1_1,00.html http://www.agri-,3343,en_36774715_ 36775671_40082829_1_1_1_1,00.html 002/wp02-17.pdf 002/wp02-17.pdf Unreleased JRC document comparing many of the models listed here.

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