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Gender and Inclusion Toolbox: Participatory Research in Climate Change and Agriculture

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Presentation on theme: "Gender and Inclusion Toolbox: Participatory Research in Climate Change and Agriculture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender and Inclusion Toolbox: Participatory Research in Climate Change and Agriculture

2 Targeting women, youths and other vulnerable groups in agricultural research for development increases the likelihood of achieving the gender result we are seeking: Increased control by women and other marginalized groups of assets, inputs, decision- making and benefits As well as our food security and poverty-related outcomes!! Gender norms must be addressed in order to achieve a healthy, food and nutrition secure world free of poverty and hunger, with sustained and regenerating natural resources CCAFS Gender TOC

3 C. Jost, N. Ferdous, T. D. Spicer, 2014. Gender and Inclusion Toolbox: Participatory Research in Climate Change and Agriculture. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), CARE International and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). Copenhagen, Denmark. Available online at:

4 Shared but different vulnerability! VulnerabilityAdaptive CapacityPotential ImpactExposureSensitivity

5 Basic Concepts: Gender Basic Concepts: Climate Change Basic Concepts: Participation Basic Concepts: Qualitative Research Basic Concepts: Helpful Frameworks for Gender and Socio-Economic Analysis Learning Exercises: Gender Learning Exercises: Climate Change and Gender Learning Exercises: Participation Learning Activities: Role of the Researcher Learning Activities: Helpful Frameworks Photo Credit: Dr. Jeffrey Mariner

6 Gender – learn by reading, learn by doing?


8 Co-production of Knowledge

9 Climate Resilient Agriculture

10 Climate Information Services

11 Mitigation

12 LABOR - Who does what? How? Where? When? Why? ACCESS - Who uses what? How? Where? When? Why? DECISION-MAKING & CONTROL - Who controls what? How? Where? When? Why? INFORMATION- Who knows what? How? Where? When? Why? BENEFITS - Who benefits from what? How? Where? When? Why? PARTICIPATION - Who is included in what? How? Where? When? Why? Classic Gender Analysis Questions Who, what, how, where, why, when

13 Climate Change – A Wicked Problem Wicked problems – complex, uncertain, ever-evolving, multiplicity of stakeholders and perspectives Need to move beyond expert approach – evaluation and advice To consultative processes – collective understanding and response CCAFS. 2013. Unlocking the potential of social learning for climate change and food security: Wicked problems and non-traditional solutions.

14 Social Learning – Co-development Photo Credit: Dr. Jeffrey Mariner

15 Social Learning – Co-development Upcoming: Jost C.C., Kyazze, F.B., Naab, J., Neelormi, S., Kinyangi, J., Zougmore, R., Aggarwal, P.K., Bhatta, G.D., Chaudhury, M., Tapio- Bistrom, M.-L., Nelson, S.. Kristjanson, P. Understanding Gender Dimensions of Agriculture and Climate Change in Smallholder Farming Communities. Accepted Climate and Development, February 2015.

16 Community!

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