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World Bank Group and the Global Water Partnership Pilot Training for Strengthening Model Capacity September 28 – October 2, 2015, Almaty, Kazakhstan Aral.

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Presentation on theme: "World Bank Group and the Global Water Partnership Pilot Training for Strengthening Model Capacity September 28 – October 2, 2015, Almaty, Kazakhstan Aral."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Bank Group and the Global Water Partnership Pilot Training for Strengthening Model Capacity September 28 – October 2, 2015, Almaty, Kazakhstan Aral Sea Basin Management Model (ASBmm) Модель управления водными ресурсами бассейна Аральского моря Science-Information Centre of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination in Central Asia – НИЦ МКВК A.G.Sorokin,

2 The main achievement is realization of water consumption of region’s countries without conflict. Risks: climate change, risks caused by the human factor: - lack of coordination in tactics and policy on the water and energy resources management, - lack of joint viewpoint among countries about development of the new hydropower stations, - lack of joint agreements on the water- and energy-saving, - lack of agreed tools for assessment of consequences of governance and development of joint activity. Activities: water-and energy- saving, turn to long-term flow regulation, application of economical mechanisms legal guarantees (prevention and compensation of damages and others), application of the flow regulation rules.

3 Anthropogenic factors determining flow probability and river regimes Scenarios of construction of new large reservoirs with hydropower 2010 – 2015 Toktogul + Kairakum + Kambarata 1 Nurek + Roghun Operation regimes of large reservoirs with hydro power KIR and TAJ Irrigation Unrealistic Energy BASIC SCENARIO Potential conflict between KIR and UZB (possibly KAZ, TAJ ) Potential conflict between TAJ and TUR, UZB Energy- irrigation (agreed) Possible consensus Possible options for distribution of regulating functions among reservoirs, need to be studied

4 Assessment of current state Concepts of national water sector development in CA countries Assessment - Management program Vision for 2030-2050 Available water resources: volume, regimes, losses Climate impact (scenarios) Water requirements: volumes, regimes, crop requirements, etc. Environmental demands: norms, sustainability Analysis of numerical exercise results, assessment on the basis of indicators Policy scenarios Modeling and calculations: balance, consensus Shortage and excess of water resources, Adaptation to climate change – long-term regulation of river flow, water conservation, etc. Socio-economic assessment of policy scenarios – opportunity costs, prevented damage, trade-offs and compensations Socio-economic development scenarios Water allocation New reservoirs and HPP Rules of flow regulation in transboundary rivers Prices Agricultural policy - food security, export orientation Demography Irrigation areas and changed cropping patterns Innovations and water conservation Example of ASBmm application for building and Assessing scenarios Hydropower demands

5 Оценка текущего состояния Концепци и развития водн ых сектор ов стран ЦА Оценка - Стратегия развития Видение на 2030-2050 годы Располагаемые водные ресурсы Сценарии влияние климата Требования на воду : объемы, режимы, водопотребление с/х культур и др. Экологические требования Анализ результатов численных исследований Политические сценарии Моделирование Дефициты и избытки водных ресурсов, Адаптационные меры к изменению климата – многолетнее регулирование стока рек, сбережение воды и др. Социально-экономическая оценка сценариев – упущенные выгоды, предупрежденные ущербы, компромиссы и компенсации Сценарии социально- экономического развития Вододеление Строительство новых водохранилищ и ГЭС Правила регулирования стока рек Цены Аграрная политика - продовольственная безопасность, ориентация на экспорт Демография Требования секторов экономики Площади орошения и состава с/х культур Инновации и сбережение водных ресурсов Пример использования ASBmm для анализа сценариев Потребности гидроэнергетики

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