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First Grade Orientation 2014-2015 Our First Grade Teachers: Mrs. StevensMs. McDonald Mrs. Bolt Mrs. Sullivan Mrs. Mitchel.

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Presentation on theme: "First Grade Orientation 2014-2015 Our First Grade Teachers: Mrs. StevensMs. McDonald Mrs. Bolt Mrs. Sullivan Mrs. Mitchel."— Presentation transcript:


2 First Grade Orientation 2014-2015 Our First Grade Teachers: Mrs. StevensMs. McDonald Mrs. Bolt Mrs. Sullivan Mrs. Mitchel

3 A Typical Day 8:10 - School Begins 8:20 – Announcements 8:30 to 10:30 - Balanced Literacy block »Reader’s Workshop/Guided Reading »Writer’s Workshop »Word Study »Handwriting 10:30 to 11:15 – Extended Learning Time 11:15 to 12:00 – Lunch (times vary by classroom)

4 12:05 to 12:25 - Recess 12:25 to 1:40 - Math »Guided Math/Math Stations »Computer Lab 1:40 to 2:30 - Specials (PE, Art, Music) 2:30 to 3:15 - Science/Social Studies »STEM Lab 3:15 to 3:25 - Prepare for Dismissal 3:25 to 3:40 - Dismissal

5 All Nottingham Knights are Expected to: Raise their hand to speak and wait to be called on. Speak in a normal, “indoor” voice. Follow all instructions immediately. Work on assigned tasks. Keep their hands, feet, and materials to themselves. Speak to everyone in a kind and respectful manner.

6 Our Responsibility Program Responsibility Chart- Please initial daily!

7 Rewards Verbal Praise Classroom Prizes Knight Awards

8 Communication Daily Planner Responsibility Card Take Home Folder Weekly Communication Folder on Wednesdays Grading and Reporting ISIP Assessments Fountas and Pinnell Benchmarks Progress Reports Report Cards Conferences

9 Homework Tips: Please check planner for daily homework Homework expected to be returned the following day or a mark will be given for missing/late assignment. Assistance is appreciated, if necessary Together, we will help strengthen students’ organization and responsibility

10 A Successful 1 st Grader… has a good start each day. will receive help and support from home. balances school and after school activities.

11 Important First Grade Facts Any transportation changes must be sent by writing to the classroom teacher. Tardy bell rings at 8:20am We encourage students to wear tennis shoes everyday and dress in comfortable clothing. Please refer to Katy ISD student handbook for current dress code. Please send lunch money in an envelope marked with your child’s name, teacher name, and grade level. If sending a check, please make payable to Katy ISD Food Services. You may also pay online found on the Katy ISD website.

12 Important First Grade Facts Our daily snack is a “working snack.” We encourage a healthy snack such as pretzels, cut fruit, cheese and crackers, or dry cereals. Also, water is the only liquid drink available in the classrooms. Please be extra cautious when sending a snack if your student is in a “Peanut Free” classroom. Toys are not allowed at school. If you would like to send in birthday treats for you child in honor of their birthday, please let your child’s teacher know. Treats need to be for the entire class and individual portion sized. Invitations are not allowed to be passed out at school. You may refer to the PTA directory or the birthday sign up sheet from Meet the Teacher.

13 ID Badges/Lanyards Every first grade student is expected to wear their Katy ID badge on the blue NCE lanyard at all times. This ID is used for identification, purchasing lunch, checking out books in the library, and using the computers in the computer lab. If lost or damaged, a replacement will need to be purchased.

14 I promise you every day your children will learn something. Some days they’ll bring it home in their hands. Some days they’ll bring it home in their heads. And some days they’ll bring it home in their hearts. - Valerie Welk

15 Contact Information Jama Bolt 281.237.5553 Kathryn Stevens 281.237.5557 Megan McDonald 281.237.5554 Stephanie Mitchel 281.237.5555 Megan Sullivan 281.237.5520

16 In the words of Wonder Woman: “A new journey to be started. A new promise to be fulfilled. A new page to be written. Go forth unto this waiting world with pen in hand, all you young scribes, the open book awaits. Be creative. Be adventurous. Be original. And above all else, be young. For youth is your greatest weapon, your greatest tool. Use it wisely.” The First Grade Team

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