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“Quality with Passion”. About us Induspect (India) Pvt. Ltd. is a company established to provide inspection and Technical Manpower Supply services to.

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Presentation on theme: "“Quality with Passion”. About us Induspect (India) Pvt. Ltd. is a company established to provide inspection and Technical Manpower Supply services to."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Quality with Passion”

2 About us Induspect (India) Pvt. Ltd. is a company established to provide inspection and Technical Manpower Supply services to the oil and gas, Mining and manufacturing industry in India and oceanic region. Our Director has personal experience in inspection and certification with such organisations as Bureau Veritas and Lloyds subsidiaries in Asia. The company recruited team consisting of marketing and inspection staff to assist Induspect in establishing the company as a preferred provider of inspection, testing and certification services in Australian oil and gas industry.

3 Inspection Services Induspect (India) Pvt. Ltd. can provide the following specialist services to its clients: Welding Inspection Coating/painting inspection Quality Management Consultancy Quality Assurance and Control Shop Inspection MDR review and technical audits Pre-shipment inspection Electrical equipment inspection Offshore and onshore equipment inspection Non-destructive testing witness and review Piping, vessels, tanks and structural inspection

4 Expertise Induspect has a pool of inspectors with mostly engineering (Mechanical / Electrical) in respective field of expertise as basic qualification as a general practice or equivalent experience to suffice the qualifications. Like NDT Services as per ASME standard and IBR standards.

5 Mechanical Inspector qualifications Graduate and diploma holders. CSWIP 3.2/ 3.1 Senior/Welding inspector Certified Welding Inspector AWS-CWI Process Piping Inspector API-570 Above Ground Storage Tank Inspector API-653 Above Ground pressure vessel inspector API-510 In ASNT Level –Il Radiographic Testing (RT) Ultrasonic Testing (UT) Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT) Visual Testing (VT) Senior Certified Painting Engineer BGAS Grade-I Certified Painting Inspector BGAS Grade-2 &3

6 Inspection Call Execution Procedure Call Login. Confirmation to customer Informing Inspector contact details and visit schedule Actual Inspection as per ITP Daily inspection report receipt at coordinator Daily status pupation to customer over phone/email. After completing of inspection complete report submission along with key findings summary.

7 Technical Manpower Supply selection Procedure Candidate registration on our web site with contact details and e mail ID. Verification email from Induspect along with ID and password. Uploading experience and qualification details along with resume copy. Our recruitment experts will scrutinize skill sets, experience, qualification and send questioner related with candidate exp.

8 Online candidate exam. After qualifying minimum criteria,resume will be activated for employer ref. Employer will select resumes as per their requirement. We will arrange telephonic interview first and if found suitable refer for face to face or video conferencing as per employer requirement.

9 After selection of candidate we will inform him for his credentials physical verification like educational /work exp. Certificates. We will be involved in recruitment procedure up to candidate joining.

10 Policies Bribery and corruption Policy Quality Policy Environmental Policy Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Occupational Health and Safety Policy

11 Why Induspect Our directors are having reach experience in this field and we have pool of experienced Inspectors associated with us. We thrive on the following strengths; Professional and experienced team and proactive management. Cooperative and flexible team willing to cooperate as per client requirements. Proactive and prompt response to enquiries. Social skills of our team members making them good members of team. Culture of Ethical practices throughout the company. We value the fact that we need to provide service to the clients to ensure repeat business and strive to make long term relationships with the clients.


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