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Ewa Ruminska - Zimny, International Forum of Women in Science and Business at the Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Vilnius, 25th November 2015 Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "Ewa Ruminska - Zimny, International Forum of Women in Science and Business at the Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Vilnius, 25th November 2015 Challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ewa Ruminska - Zimny, International Forum of Women in Science and Business at the Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Vilnius, 25th November 2015 Challenges to women entrepreneurs: how to mobilize their potential?

2 Europe 2020 Smart, sustainable and inclusive Europe Knowledge and innovation as driving forces Promoting competitiveness and convergence Creating jobs and raising entrepreneurship Key role of territorial cohesion and regional policy in building Europe 2020

3 Global G20 First ever G20 Summitt to address women; Istanbul Summitt 16-17 november 2015; Turkish Presidency G-20 members: EU, US, UK, France, Germany, Canada but also China, India, Brasil and others Actions/monitoring on links education-employment, entrepreneurship, acces to finance, supporting women’s networks and entrepreneurship, social protection and other Role KAGIDER, TIKAD and KADEM- women’s organizations

4 Women’s economic potential Main source of new labour –(quantity input GDP growth, EU target 75% employment) Half of talents and creativity (quality inputs GDP) – diversity argument - innovation, entrepreneurship, production, management Demographic context– aging but also a reversal of relation work –fertility

5 Preventing the decline in workforce (EU-27)

6 Men and women entrepreneurs EU-27 (%) Eurostat 2010 WomenMen EU-2730%70% Poland35%65% Greece29%71% Italy29%71% Portugal40%60%

7 Women entrepreneurs by age (w %)

8 Bariers to start business (PARP report 2011 women’s answers) Lack of funding (52%) Too risky (34%) Complicated procedures (25%) Lack of self - confidence/fear of the failure (22%) Lack of business ideas (18%) High taxes (11%) Lack of information and knowledge how to establish a company (10%) konieczność zbyt wielu zmian w życiu (8%)

9 For whom it is easier to start business (PARP report 2011; women’s answers) Women - 3% Men – 37% No difference – 52% Difficult to say – 9%

10 Women entrepreneurs and family (PARP Report 2011) Women entrepreneurs often single women with no children : – Over half (53%) women entrepreneurs in the survey had no children (age group 25-44 years old) – While this was the case for only 33% of women employees and 30% of inactive women Women employees are priviledged in terms of maternity benefits: Caring costs: a key difference between men and women entrepreneurs

11 Self-help: women’s networks and associations Building confidence, encouraging, role models, sharing hands-on experience, advice, B to B International Forum of Women in Science and in Business at WSE; est. 1994 Combines research – studies, publication „Women and Business” journal with practical support -- mentoring; trainings; study tours abroad and B to B (US, RPA, Sweden); lobbying (law on mother entrepreneurs); projects

12 Gender, Innovation and Growth in the Baltic Sea Region www. WINNET Center of Excellence –research Womens Resource Centers – practice Multilevel and multi-stakeholders (public, private, academia, civil society) Focus on entrepreneurship in cretaive industries and tourism Policy Platform at BSR as EU macro-region

13 Systemic support US – women entrepreneurs have a representatve at the US Congress, President administraction and Small Business Federal; Act on public procurement Croatia – 2nd Strategy of WE 2014-2020 aimed to1) improving public policy coordination; 2) improving systemic support (new models education/training, access to financing, new forms of financing, use EU funds) 3) introducing women entrepreneurs into institutional infrastructure (mentoring, expert support) 4) promoting WE. Targets and monitorng

14 Conclusions We need to know more on the situation of women entrepreneurs (also in regional/local context) –role of research to provide data and arguments Strengthening networks and women business associations –also cooperation accross countries Systemic support at government level (national/local) Cooperation among all stakeholders –public s. - private s. –civil society (e.g WBA) --academia

15 Thank you !

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