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FRANCE France. Where is France? On the France outline you will see the little island of Corsica, which belongs to France, also in the French flag colors.

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1 FRANCE France

2 Where is France? On the France outline you will see the little island of Corsica, which belongs to France, also in the French flag colors. France is situated in Western Europe-5.5 hours from New York/USA by plane.

3 Where is France? (pt. 2) France borders with Belgium to the Northeast, Germany and Luxembourg in the East, as well as with Switzerland and Italy to the Southeast. The Pyrenees, a mountain range to the South of France, form a natural border between Spain and France. The highest mountain in France is the Mont Blanc, that is 4,810 meters high and stands at the border between France and Italy in the Alps. Atlas Video

4 Mont Blanc in the French Alps mountain range

5 What are the regions in France? Mainland France is divided into 27 regions and these into 101 departments. Of the 101 departments there are also 5 overseas regions belonging to France: – French Guyana in South America – Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Caribbean – La Reunion and Mayotte in Africa in the Indian Ocean

6 Facts about France  Population: more than 65.7 million people live in the country (2012)  Capital: Paris, with 2.2 million inhabitants  Name: Republique Francaise (French Republic)  Motto: "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite" (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity)  Government: Democracy  Language: French  Religion: mainly Christians (Roman Catholics 64%)  Currency: 1 Euro=100 cents, until 2002 French Franc  GDP-Gross Domestic Product-The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in France was 2734.95 billion US dollars in 2013. This is $34140.57 per capita. The GDP value of France represents 4.41 percent of the world economy. GDP-Gross Domestic Product Paris Video A Day in the Life

7 Brief French History  In 700-500 BC the Celtic Gauls arrive in France.  In 58-50 BC Roman Emperor Julius Caesar defeats the Gauls and France becomes part of the Roman Empire until 476 AD.  French was ruled by kings for many centuries until the storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution in 1789.  Then Napoleon becomes Emperor of the French Republic until he is sent to exile in 1815.

8  The 20 th century saw the two World Wars which were particularly murderous.  The first one, between 1914 and 1918, finished with a France that was victorious but in ruins.  The second one, between 1939 and 1945, opened a dark chapter in the history of France with the invasion of Nazi Germany.  The Resistance rallied around General de Gaulle and contributed to a new political class which led the reconstruction of the country.General de Gaulle  Up until the 1960s, the period was marked by wars of independence and decolonization. The Algerian War concluded the end of a Republic on its last breath.  In 1958, a new constitution was developed.constitution

9 Economy  5th largest economic power in the world  France's economy currently revolves around services which employ more than 70% of the active population.  leading agricultural producer in the European Union  France is the global leader in the production of wine and spirits (viticulture.)  The industrial sector is particularly developed in the agribusiness, automobile, building and public works, chemical industry, rail, aeronautics and aerospace, energy, and pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors.  The transport sector benefits from an efficient road and rail network.  New technologies hold an important place in the developing sectors.  France is also renowned for its luxury and tourism sector. It is the leading tourist destination in the world.

10 Current Government The current French Constitution, proclaimed on 4 October 1958, stipulates that “France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social republic.” The President of the Republic is elected for a 5 year term. He names the Prime Minister. The President presides over the Council of Ministers, promulgates (enacts, enforces) laws and is the Commander-in-Chief of the armies. The Prime Minister directs the actions of the government which determine and lead national policy. He is responsible before both Houses of Parliament. Parliament: – The National Assembly, 577 deputies elected for a period of 5 years. – The Senate, 348 senators elected for a period of 6 years. The National Assembly and the Senate control the government and write and vote on laws. In case of disagreement on a law, the National Assembly has the final say.

11 The Famous French Famous French composers include Maurice Ravel (Bolero) and Georges Bizet (Carmen). Children all around the world love French literature, like the famous “The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas and “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. French political leader Napoleon Bonaparte (1769- 1821) was born on Corsica. He reformed the French laws. He declared himself Emperor of the French in 1904. Napoleon’s army was defeated by the British in the Battle of Waterloo (now in Belgium) in 1815. He was exiled to the island St. Helena in the Mediterranean Sea where he died in 1821.

12 Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923), the famous French engineer who built the Eiffel Tower in Paris, also designed the Statue of Liberty which stands in New York's harbor.

13 Famous French painters and sculptors are Claude Monet, Pierre- Auguste Renoir, Edgar Degas, Paul Cezanne, and Auguste Rodin. Monet Renoir Cezanne Rodin Degas

14 French Landmarks Places Video Versailles Louvre Notre Dame Eiffel Tower Mont Saint Michel

15 Common Foods Baguette: long bread stick Croque Monsieur/Croque Madame: ham and cheese grilled sandwich while Croque Madame is the more heavy version with ham, cheese and a fried egg on top Escargot: snails Foie Gras: Goose liver pate Pain au chocolat: similar to a croissant filled with chocolate Crepes: French very thin pancakes with filling Ratatouille: vegetable stew In Paris, you will find the oldest café or coffee shop in the world which was opened in 1686. It is called Le Procope.

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