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Properties of Minerals

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1 Properties of Minerals
Integrated Science

2 7 Properties Crystal Form Hardness Cleavage and Fracture Luster Color
Specific Gravity Streak

3 2 Properties We Will Not Use
Crystal Form Crystal Shapes Cleavage and Fracture Cleavage = breaks into pieces that are the same shape Fracture = breaks into random shaped pieces

4 5 Properties We Will Use Hardness Luster Mohs’ Scale is 1-10
1 is very soft and 10 is very hard Luster How the light is reflected off the mineral Types Vitreous (Glass-Like) Metallic Dull Pearly Waxy

5 Vitreous (Glassy)

6 Metallic

7 Dull

8 Pearly

9 Waxy

10 5 Properties We Will Use Color Specific Gravity Streak
A value greater than 1 means it sinks in water. ( Will feel “heavy.”) A value less than 1 means it floats in water. Streak Color left by a mineral when streaked on a porcelain plate. Not always the same color as the mineral.

11 Dichotomous Keys A dichotomous key is a tool used to classify or identify certain items. In the natural world they help to determine names of trees, wildflowers, mammals, reptiles, rocks, and fish.

12 Dichotomous Keys Keys consist of a series of choices that lead the user to the correct name of a given item. "Dichotomous" means "divided into two parts". Therefore, dichotomous keys always give two choices in each step.

13 Making A Simple Dichotomous Map
Think about the important characteristics that would define these animals!!!

14 Making A Simple Dichotomous Map

15 How would we make a Key for these organisms?

16 Notice we always are dividing these into two main characteristics!!!

17 Dichotomous Keys help identify things!!!

18 Can you figure out what these are?

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