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Electromagnetic Spectrum What’s the Wavelength?. E-M Spectrum

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Presentation on theme: "Electromagnetic Spectrum What’s the Wavelength?. E-M Spectrum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electromagnetic Spectrum What’s the Wavelength?

2 E-M Spectrum

3 Radio Waves Relative size: 100’-60 mi Frequency: low Amazing Facts Earth’s Atm: –bend easily around curve of Earth –Penetrate dust & gas Use –communication

4 Radio Waves Telescopes –Arecibo, PR What we “see” –Active galaxies –Pulsars –Quasars –Supernovae remnants Wow…cool facts

5 Microwaves Relative size: 1mm - 1 m Frequency: 10 9 Amazing Facts Earth’s Atm –Pass freely through the air Use –Cell phones –TV –cooking

6 Microwaves Telescopes What we “see” –Cosmic background radiation Wow…cool facts

7 Infrared Relative size: 1/10 inch (sand grain) Frequency Amazing Facts –Warm objects give off IR Earth’s Atm –Absorbed by Earth’s CO 2 & H 2 O in atm. –Can not be used for communication Use –Heat signature applications

8 Infrared Telescopes: –Hubble ST –Keck –Spitzer –ISO (Infrared Space Observatory) What we “see” –Young stars with outflowing gases –planets Wow…cool facts

9 Visible Relative size: bacteria Frequency Amazing Facts: ROY G. BIV Earth’s Atm: –Allows frequency through Use –dah

10 Visible Telescopes –Twin Keck –Kitt Peak, Tucson AZ –HST –National Optical Astro. Observatory –Optical telescopes What we see –Stars –sun Wow…cool facts

11 Ultraviolet Relative size: virus; atom Frequency Amazing Facts –Can kill or disrupt human cell reproduction Earth’s Atm –Ozone absorbs UV –Can cause sunburn Use –Sterilize medical equipment

12 Ultraviolet Telescopes: –HST –SOHO –EUVE Extreme UV Explorer What we “see” –Hot stars –Sun’s corona Wow…cool facts

13 X-Ray Relative size: atom Frequency Amazing Facts –Penetrate through soft materials Earth’s Atm –Absorbed in Earth’s upper atmosphere Use –To “see” through less dense materials

14 X-rays Telescopes: –Chandra –ROSAT (Roentgen Satellite) What we “see” –Black holes –Collapsed stars –Between galaxies –Exploded star’s hot gases Wow…cool facts

15 Gamma Rays Relative size: nuclei Frequency: HIGH Amazing Facts –Pass through most solids –Most energetic Earth’s Atm –Blocks gamma rays Use –bombs

16 Gamma Rays Telescopes –Compton Telescope What we “see” –Black holes –Neutron stars –Supernovae –Pulsars –Quasars –Exploding stars Wow…cool facts

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