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The Early Cold War 1945-1953. Communism vs. Capitalism.

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Presentation on theme: "The Early Cold War 1945-1953. Communism vs. Capitalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Early Cold War 1945-1953

2 Communism vs. Capitalism

3 Karl Marx

4 Marxism History is a progression. –Feudalism --> Capitalism --> Communism History is a conflict between the classes. The proletariat will rise up and overthrow the bourgeoisie. Afterwards, there will be a communist utopia. The Communist Manifesto – 1848; Capital – 1867.

5 Communism The proletariat (workers) will overthrow the bourgeoisie (rich and propertied). The workers will own the means of production – factories, tools, etc. There will be no social classes.

6 V. I. Lenin

7 Marxism-Leninism Similar to Marxism, except Lenin said the workers needed to be led in their revolution, and that capitalism was not a necessary precondition for communism. Marxism-Leninism also justified a dictatorship.

8 Joseph Stalin

9 Stalinism Marxism-Leninism practiced by Stalin. Called for rapid industrialization by means of “Five-Year Plans.”

10 Potsdam Conference, 1945


12 The Cold War Defined An ideological, political, social, economic, and military struggle for supremacy and influence between communism, represented by the Soviet Union, and capitalism, represented by the United States, lasting from approximately 1945- 1989.

13 Early Conflicts The early Cold War was played out in a number of “small” conflicts and policy decisions. –The Berlin Airlift –Greek Civil War –The Korean War

14 Berlin Airlift

15 Presidential Policies


17 Harry S. Truman

18 Truman’s Presidency President from 1945-1953. –Truman Doctrine –Marshall Plan –NATO –National Security Act –Containment policy – George Kennan

19 Dwight D. Eisenhower

20 Eisenhower’s Presidency President from 1953- 1961. –Domino theory –Mutual Assured Destruction –Expanding nuclear arsenal

21 Nuclear Build-Up



24 The Tide of Communism

25 Mao Zedong

26 China China “falls” to communism in 1949. –Mao becomes dictator.

27 Russian Nukes In 1949, the U.S.S.R. develops its own nuclear bomb.

28 Fidel Castro

29 Cuba Fidel Castro led a long guerilla war against the Cuban dictatorship. –In 1959, Cuba becomes communist and Castro makes himself dictator. –Eisenhower almost immediately begins plotting Castro’s overthrow.

30 Fears The spread of communism to Cuba and China, as well as the trials of spies in the United States, led to fears of a worldwide communist conspiracy.

31 The Korean War




35 Korean War, 1950-1953 U.S. troops fight against North Koreans and Chinese. War ends in a stalemate and a ceasefire that continues today.

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